WATCH: Tulsi Gabbard TRUTH NUKES The Biden Administration For Ukraine Policies

On Monday, former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard joined “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss President Joe Biden’s recent visit to Ukraine and the potential consequences of the war escalating into a broader conflict with a nuclear-armed superpower.

“Tulsi Gabbard is a former member of Congress, a former presidential candidate, and one of the very few people in the world who went on television after this invasion a year ago and said this could get really dangerous,” Carlson began the interview. “You were right and now that China is aligning with Russia and supporting the Russian war effort effectively against us, this seems like a massive turning point.”

“Well you heard it from Zelensky himself talking about the consequences of World War III,” Gabbard responded. “The thing is he has made very clear that that is where he thinks we are already, that we are in World War III.”

“Ukraine is the tip of the spear and this is how he justifies demanding, making demands of the United States and all of these NATO countries to equip him with all of the weapons and aircraft and tanks that the United States and NATO have to go and fight this war that we are in against Russia,” the former Hawaiian congresswoman said. “He is doing everything he can to bring us and NATO into this war, directly into conflict with Russia.”

“You remember when the Ukrainian missile defense system, unfortunately, had a missile that went into Poland and killed two civilians on a farm,” she continued. “What did Zelensky say? His very first thing, the first person on camera saying, ‘Hey this is a direct attack on a NATO ally. US and NATO you must go and attack Russia.'”


Gabbard is referencing an incident that occurred in November where a missile from a Ukrainian defense system hit eastern Poland leading to rising tensions as some suspected the missile to be of Russian origin, per NPR.

“The scary thing to me Tucker is to hear people like Zelensky, to hear Democrats and Republicans in the United States Congress and Biden administration officials speak so calmly and with a straight face about World War III,” the former Democrat, who has made a name for herself as being anti-war, explained. “How would it be won? How would we respond to the use of tactical nuclear weapons? What are our options on this battlefield? Forgetting what Ronald Reagan said when he said that a nuclear war cannot be won and therefore should never be fought.”

“This World War III, this path that we are on unless we change course, it will result in a nuclear war. We have all the nuclear-armed countries in the world on this path to a head-on collision,” she added.

Tucker then went on to comment that Zelensky has repeatedly stated that due to the war in Ukraine, it poses an existential threat to the American people so much so that the Ukrainian president has said that Americans’ “families could die.”

“You know you look at the lies that the American people are being told by President Biden, by Mitch McConnell, by these warmongers in both parties selling this lie that this is about defending freedom and democracy,” Gabbard emphasized, adding, “And as he said there is no greater threat to that democracy than this fight, this war against Russia. They are the ones that are undermining our democracy. They are the ones that are denying the American people our constitutional right to have a say in whether or not we go to war or not. It is an affront to the Constitution and every single American because it is our future, the future of the world that is at stake.”

As President Putin of Russia announces the withdrawal of his country from the New START nuclear arms treaty and President Biden is set to speak in Poland on Tuesday, tensions are continuing to rise between the former Cold War rivals. Americans hope that such tensions, however, do not lead to an escalation of the conflict.

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