'America Is Worth Fighting For!': Sen. Ted Cruz Gives FIERY Speech At Rally In Support Of America First Candidate Brandon Gill

On Friday, America First candidate Brandon Gill was joined by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in The Colony, Texas, for a rally supporting the Trump-endorsed candidate running in Texas' 26th congressional district. 

The rally had scores of attendees come out to the Local Shacks at Austin Ranch for Gill's campaign event. The rally began with Ted Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz, speaking to the crowd about his escape from Cuba and his son's strength in political office. Dinesh D'Souza, Gill's father-in-law and conservative documentarian, then took the stage to recount his first visit to his son-in-law's family ranch just outside Abilene, Texas. D'Souza also told the crowd how he received his presidential pardon from Trump in 2018 thanks to Cruz's help.

Following a brief introduction from his father-in-law, Gill took the stage to introduce himself to voters and slam the various attack ads against him that have recently been spreading across the district. The TX-26 candidate explained that the ads, all of which derive from $1.4 million from a Super PAC, are only targeting himself and not propping up any other candidate. "The swamp is spending millions of dollars spreading baseless lies against me," Gill said. Following a lengthy speech to voters, Gill welcomed Senator Cruz to the stage.

The Texas senator, who is running for reelection this November, spent the first half of his speech slamming the Biden administration for its gross negligence in leading the country. Cruz took particular aim at Biden's lack of action on the border, an issue that is a top concern for citizens of the Lone Star State. 

"And then there is the chaos on our southern border. I've got to tell you, as bad as you think it is, if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, it is worse. We've seen 9.6 million illegal immigrants come in under Joe Biden. It is a humanitarian disaster, it is a public safety disaster, it is a national security disaster," Cruz said, adding that Democrats have failed to go down to the border. "They don't come down there because you cannot see the dead bodies. You cannot see the children who've been brutalized. You cannot see the women who have been sexually assaulted. You cannot see the drug overdoses and defend anymore this evil and this slavery that has unfolded on our southern border."

"This election, we are not fighting over little stuff," Cruz said. "We are fighting over whether America survives or is destroyed. Let me ask you a question. If you sat down with the objective of destroying the United States of America, what would you do differently than Joe Biden? That's what this challenge is all about."

The Texas senator explained that to save the country, "we need conservative warriors prepared to go to Washington to take on the Swamp. And that's why I am here to support Brandon Gill for Congress." Cruz said that his endorsement philosophy is to support the most conservative candidate in the race that can win, adding that many politicians may say they are conservative when they are running but then become unprincipled when in office.

"If you want to know if someone is a conservative, don't listen to what they say - everyone can mouth the right words - look at what they do. If you really are a conservative, you will bear the stripes because you will have been in the foxholes, you will have been in the fight, and there will be no denying who you are," he told the audience. "And you look at Brandon; he grew up at a cattle farm outside of Abilene, so he's familiar with manure. That's an important skill for Washington, D.C."

"We need people who are smart, who are principled, who know the Constitution. Brandon went from a cattle ranch to the Ivy League, and that's not easy," Cruz, a fellow Ive League graduate, explained. He went on to praise Gill for standing up for his principles while at Dartmouth University and going on to found the DC Enquirer to fight in the battle for ideas.

"We need warriors who will fight to save this nation, and Texas deserves principled warriors in Congress. I'm here because I have every confidence that when Brandon wins, he is going to rock the boat. In fact, I'm going to say something that I actually said 12 years ago, which is Brandon is not going to join the club. He is going to kick down the doors, tear down the curtains, and sell the silverware," the Texas senators said. "I have confidence that in Congress, he is going to stand and fight alongside the next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump."

The two-term senator emphasized that he is confident that Gill will stick to his principles because he will be held accountable, not only by the voters of TX-26 but by his family as well, jokingly saying that D'Souza would shoot his son-in-law if he sold out in Washington. 

He then turned his attention to the various attack ads taken out against the House Freedom Caucus-endorsed conservative. "The Swamp tells you who they are afraid of. Have you noticed how many ads are running against Brandon? And by the way they are not for any other candidate. They're just for 'Dear God, no! Anyone but Brandon!' That is a really good sign. If they are that scared of him, that tells you something."

Cruz concluded his speech by encouraging those in attendance to get ten of their friends to vote for Brandon Gill for Congress to win the primary on March 5 so the two could work together to fight for America. "Thank you for standing and fighting because I believe America is worth fighting for. The Constitution is worth fighting for! The Bill of Rights is worth fighting for! Freedom is worth fighting for! The state of Texas is worth fighting for, and we will fight for it together! Your next congressman, Brandon Gill!"

The Texas congressional candidate's momentum took root when President Trump endorsed Gill after the young family man announced his bid to replace retiring Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX). Upon his announcement, Gill also earned the endorsement of other prominent conservatives like Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), and the Dallas Young Republicans.

"It is my great honor to ENDORSE Brandon Gill for U.S. Congress in Texas-26. He is the clear 'America First' candidate and is as loyal and tough as they come. He's a Cowboy, Businessman, Husband, and Father, but also, a True Patriot," Trump wrote on Truth Social. "Brandon is Strong on SECURING OUR BORDER, STOPPING CRIME, FIGHTING INFLATION, & PROTECTING OUR SECOND AMENDMENT. He also comes with the love and respect of his father-in-law, a true warrior, Dinesh D'Souza. Brandon will not let you down. Onward to VICTORY!"

Congressman Nehls, a fellow Texan, endorsed Gill on the day of his announcement. "Brandon Gill is a friend & a man I trust to be a bold, fearless fighter & champion of conservative values," Nehls said. "I trust Brandon will fight to secure the border. I trust Brandon will put America First & help continue the MAGA movement in North Texas. I proudly endorse Brandon & urge all voters in the district to support him."

Senator Cruz also joined Nehls in endorsing the America First Republican, writing, “Brandon Gill has all the best characteristics of a Texan: Dedicated, hardworking, and resilient. With a deep understanding of what it means to take on the left and the corrupt mainstream media, Brandon has set himself apart from other candidates and is the best qualified to fight the radical left and their disastrous agenda in Congress. I am proud to endorse him for TX-26 and look forward to seeing him win his race."

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) also came out to support Gill, explaining in a statement, "Brandon Gill represents one of the best America First candidates for Congress. America and North Texas need a fighter like Gill to slash Washington spending, secure the Southern Border, and protect conservative values from Washington elites. In Congress, Brandon Gill will live by the principle of doing what you said you would do."

After announcing his run for Congress in November, Gill has seen considerable success in recent months. The Brandon Gill for Texas congressional campaign committee raised nearly $500,000 in the first 42 days following his announcement, while the Right Texas PAC raised another $1 million to support Gill's candidacy.

Gill joins a host of other candidates vying for the nomination, including Tony Gonzalez's former Chief of Staff, Luisa del Rosal, Southlake Mayor John Huffman, Scott Armey, and several others. 

"Today I filed to run for US Congress from Texas' 26th Congressional District, to fill the seat currently held by [Michael Burgess] after he retires," Gill wrote on X/Twitter when he first announced on November 20. "We desperately need conservative warriors in Washington who represent real America, not the Swamp. I look forward to representing the great people of North Texas."

"Congressional Democrats and the Biden Administration have failed us. Our homeland is being invaded. Our borders are a free-for-all. Crime is soaring, and our economy is a wrecking ball aimed at the middle class. We're in dire need of a trailblazer, someone unafraid to take on the power players and entrenched interests, a fighter who embodies our values," Gill said in a press release. "Washington, take note: you're done pushing Texans around. Starting now, you're going to listen to us. I've been on the front lines in conservative media, and now I'm ready to take the battle straight to the Swamp. We need to finish the wall, secure the Southern border, balance our budget, unleash our energy industry, restore law and order, and kick weak Republicans who rubber stamp progressives' agenda out of Congress."

Gill, who resides in Flower Mound, Texas, is a native-born Texan who attended Dartmouth University and worked on Wall Street for several years before founding the DC Enquirer and returning to the Lone Star State. He has additionally collaborated on the new film 'Police State' directed by Dinesh D'Souza. Gill is married to conservative influencer Danielle D'Souza Gill and has a newborn daughter.

Watch Gill's recent campaign ad below:

You can learn more about Brandon Gill here and donate to his campaign here.

You can follow Sterling on X/Twitter here.

Notice: Brandon Gill is the Editor Emeritus of DC Enquirer. He is a candidate for US Congress from Texas' 26th Congressional District, and he has no editorial influence over DC Enquirer.

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