
JASON LEWIS: Radical Democrats Regard The Bill Of Rights As A Nuisance
Of all the left-wing attacks on the rule of law, the most dangerous is the deliberate attack on the Supreme Court of the United States. It is, of course, a “threat to democracy” as high-court justices are nominated by an elected president and confirmed by elected senators. But more troubling, it is a direct assault on the republic itself because lifetime appointments to the bench were designed to counter the mob. Read More
TERENCE P. JEFFREY: Will Biden Ever Have Another Solo Press Conference?
When the 69-year-old former governor of California ran for president in 1980, his political adversaries and the establishment media often focused on the same theme: Ronald Reagan was “too old.” Read More
PETER NAVARRO: Biden’s Bureau of Prisons Is Botching Trump’s First Step Act–Costing Taxpayers Billions
I am in prison because I chose the defense of our constitutional separation of powers and George Washington’s doctrine of executive privilege over my own personal freedom. Read More
DAVID BLACKMON: Supreme Court Has A Chance To Torch One Of The Left’s Favorite Legal Tactics
From fuel emissions standards to gas-powered vehicle bans to far-reaching climate disclosure rules, states like California are constantly testing how far state laws can go in shaping national climate policy. But for nearly a decade, activists and leftwing lawmakers have simultaneously pursued a backdoor strategy that seeks to use state courtrooms, not state or national legislatures, to sue oil and natural gas companies into ceasing production and accomplishing their goal of shutting down American energy. Read More
LARRY ELDER: California Is Where Common Sense Goes To Die
The circus came to California a long time ago, and there are no signs it’s packing up any time soon. Some recent examples: Read More
DAVID BLACKMON: Legacy Media Outlets Pounce on DeSantis For Signing Energy Bills
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a series of energy-related bills into law on Wednesday that have climate alarm activists and the legacy media in an uproar. Read More
MICHAEL WHATLEY: The RNC Is Fighting For Election Integrity. Join Us.
Of the many issues that voters will debate ahead of November 5, we can all agree on one thing: Americans deserve fair elections and voters should be able to cast their ballots with confidence. Read More
STEVE PAVLICK: Will There Be Election-Integrity Concerns This Year?
The 2024 presidential election is a rematch of the 2020 one between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Fewer than 45,000 votes narrowly decided the 2020 contest. The states oversee elections, and many Democrat-run ones used the pandemic in 2020 to change the rules on how people could vote and how they would be counted. Read More
DAVID BLACKMON: Corporate Media Appears To Just Now Be Learning How Fundraising Works
When they discovered Donald Trump had hosted a roundtable meeting at Mar-a-Lago with invited guests from the oil and gas industry, many legacy media platforms responded as if news of a politician making promises at a fundraiser had never happened in America before. Read More
DON HOOPER: Dana Myers Isn't Fit To Lead The Texas GOP
Dana Myers is bad for Texas. After serving as vice chair of the Harris County Republican Party under establishment Chairs Paul Simpson, a Never Trumper, and Cindy Siegel, Myers was elected vice chair of the Republican Party of Texas based on the lie that Myers would bring Texas Federation of Republican Women to the party. Read More
DAVID BLACKMON: The EV ‘Bloodbath’ Arrives Early
Ever since March 16, when presidential candidate Donald Trump created a controversy by predicting President Joe Biden’s efforts to force Americans to convert their lives to electric-vehicle (EV) lifestyles would end in a “bloodbath” for the U.S. auto industry, the industry’s own disastrous results have consistently proven him accurate. Read More
JASON LEWIS: The ‘Deep State’ Is Far Deeper Than Anyone Imagined
Another week and another first for Donald J. Trump. No doubt, this is one he would be willing to pass on — the first criminal trial of a former president. But like all things in Trump world, it reveals more about his enemies than it does the 45th president. Read More
BOB EHRLICH: Here’s Why Biden Is Losing Support Among Twenty-Somethings
Recent polls reflect unexpected (bad) news for the Biden campaign, especially with respect to hugely important voting blocks within the Democratic Party’s base. Many pundits have focused on trend lines among Hispanics (especially Latinos) and African Americans that show declining enthusiasm for the prospect of another four years of Joe Biden. Read More
MORGAN MURPHY: The Ukraine Blame Game Begins
Congress stands poised to deliver another $60 billion in aid to Ukraine atop the $111 billion in prior packages. President Biden has pushed for these bills and is expected to sign them. Read More
LARRY ELDER: California’s $20 Minimum Wage Is Another Dimwitted-Dem Idea That Wil Hurt Those They Claim To Help
On April 1, the new California $20-per-hour minimum wage for fast-food workers went into effect. In signing the bill, California Gov. Gavin Newsom rejected the view that such a wage hike — 25% above the state’s current minimum wage — hurts teenagers who disproportionately benefit from fast-food jobs and for whom this becomes their entry into the job market. Read More

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DAVID BLACKMON: Supreme Court Has A Chance To Torch One Of The Left’s Favorite Legal Tactics

By David Blackmon | 06.09.2024

LARRY ELDER: California Is Where Common Sense Goes To Die

By Larry Elder | 06.09.2024

DAVID BLACKMON: Legacy Media Outlets Pounce on DeSantis For Signing Energy Bills

By David Blackmon | 05.19.2024

MICHAEL WHATLEY: The RNC Is Fighting For Election Integrity. Join Us.

By Michael Whatley | 05.19.2024

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