Doctor Ben Carson Provides an Educated Look at Joe Biden’s Mental Health

Renowned neurosurgeon and former Housing Secretary Ben Carson is a respected public authority who commands our attention whenever he speaks. His voice may be on the quieter side, but the words he speaks are always powerful. He offered some more powerful words last Tuesday when he assessed Joe Biden’s brain capacity or lack thereof.

Famed for operating on conjoined twins, Ben Carson has been a public force since bashing Barrack Obama’s policies at the National Prayer Breakfast in 2013. He knows the way forward for the American people. It is not by perpetuating victim culture. The way forward is through accountability and American Exceptionalism.

That emphasis on accountability led him to run for President in 2016, and finally, to support President Trump, both with his endorsement, and eventually, in his role as a loyal member of Trump’s cabinet.

Ben Carson worked with Trump daily. Carson knew the vigor and life force that exuded from the President. As such, he can offer a considered assessment of when a President is operating at his peak. We had an example of this in President Trump.

Love him or hate him, no one could say Trump was mentally sluggish or not all there. He was clearly with us at all points in his presidency. And that’s what the office requires — a man who can take the beatings of a hard day’s work. Indeed, sometimes the job requires significant periods of no rest — like President Kennedy did during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Trump was up to the task. Biden on the other hand? We have no reason to believe that he is.

Ben Carson agrees with that observation. In an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation, the neurosurgeon offered the following analysis of Joe Biden’s mental health:

“Well, certainly you want someone in that office who’s a peak performer, not someone whose staff has to constantly come behind him and clean up what he’s been saying. Someone who can complete a sentence without a teleprompter would be helpful, as well… You’re talking about somebody who has the nuclear codes, who has so many things that are important to Americans in his hands”

We had such a man — President Donald J Trump. Now we are stuck in a perpetual amateur hour.

While Carson offered no formal diagnosis, he did say the following about the President:

 “I don’t want to make a diagnosis on him, but we really should be in a place as a nation where we’re willing to do mental status tests on our leaders, particularly our president, on an annual basis… And if they can’t pass that mental status test, action needs to be taken.”

That is just plain common sense. And it is doubtful Biden would pass that test. Americans are waking up to that reality every day — the most powerful man on Earth would probably fail a mental status test. 2024 could not come soon enough.

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