Biden Makes Outrageous Claim, Says You Could Not Buy Cannon When Second Amendment Was First Formulated

Joe Biden has spread yet another lie about the Second Amendment. President Biden has a long history of misunderstandings regarding gun rights in America, and we can add what happened today to the list. For instance, President Biden said he would appoint radical liberal Beto O’Rourke to handle our gun problems during his Presidential Campaign. Remember, this is the same Beto O’Rourke who said, “h*ll yes, we will take your AR-15.” As radical as Mr. O’Rourke’s rhetoric is, it is a step above the rhetorical posturings of President Biden, who frequently forgets the title of the gun in question. President Biden has also insinuated that Americans would “need nukes” to combat the Government’s military power effectively. This was in response to the charge that the second amendment exists explicitly to check government tyranny.

Biden has consistently supported gun regulations in keeping with the radical Democrat agenda. Biden’s gun policies represent a marked change from President Trump’s stance on gun rights. President Trump stood up for the second amendment rights of all Americans. He was also trustworthy about areas of life the second amendment extended to.

On the other hand, President Biden has not been friendly at all to the second amendment. Indeed, comments he made earlier today reveal just that. After speaking about police funding in New York City, Biden made a remarkable claim. President Biden claimed that it was illegal to own a canon when the Second Amendment was first promulgated. Here is the full quote:

“This doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment right. We talk like there is no amendment that’s absolute. You could not buy a cannon when this amendment was passed. There’s no reason why you should be able to buy certain assault weapons.”

Now, this is not the first time Biden has made this claim. In June of 2021, Biden also claimed the following:

“And I might add: The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon.”

Now, this claim and the earlier one are demonstrably false. In fact, the liberal Washington Post, commenting on the June 2021 iteration of the claim, gave Biden four Pinocchios, adding:

“Some readers might think this is a relatively inconsequential flub. But we disagree. Every U.S. president has a responsibility to get American history correct, especially when he’s using a supposed history lesson in service of a political objective … Moreover, Biden has already been fact-checked on this claim — and it’s been deemed false. We have no idea where he conjured up this notion about a ban on cannon ownership in the early days of the Republic, but he needs to stop making this claim.

Biden should know better by now. But of course, the President understands the mainstream media will offer no real resistance. We can only hope one day things will change.

Here is the full video:


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