Biden Tries to Pander to Hispanics, Utterly Fails While His Disastrous Border Policy Is About to Get Worse

Biden utilized a sparsely celebrated Mexican holiday to push his pro-immigration agenda on Thursday. Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Mexican victory over Napoleon’s forces at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Despite this, it is more celebrated in the United States than it is in Mexico.

After pushing for his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, Biden then went on to speak about how he planned on fixing the completely broken and damaging immigration system.

Biden claimed he wanted to “secure our border and keep lit the torch of liberty.” A statement that should insult all Americans given the record number of border crossings at the southern border.

Biden’s bill dubbed the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 landed itself in the Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship and has remained there for over a year. Biden submitted the bill on his first day in office and claimed that the bill would provide a pathway to citizenship for immigrants who contribute to the economy.

Biden has continued to act on immigration issues throughout his time in office while his bill has stalled in Congress. Just recently, the Administration decided to end Title 42 deportations on top of the already inflating numbers.

Opposition to the ending of Title 42 has found bipartisan support as Democrats know the action will exacerbate the already disastrous border situation and hurt their already poor midterm outlook.

On Biden’s first day in office, he also decided through executive order to halt the building of Trump’s border wall — a decision that has had noticeable consequences along the southern border.

The Customs and Border Patrol data cites 2022 as having a significantly higher amount of year-to-date border encounters. As of much, the number has exceeded 1 million encounters. The numbers for April are yet to be released, but it should be without question that the numbers will continue to surge given Biden’s rhetoric.

Biden’s rhetoric is in direct opposition to his previous and planned actions. Although an unfortunate situation, Biden has handed the Republicans the midterms on a silver platter with his performance on immigration, the situation in Eastern Europe, gas prices, and inflation.

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