Bidenomics Flops As Americans Look To Donald Trump For An Economic Rebound In 2024: POLL

Americans are not happy with Bidenomics as a strong majority say that the economy has become worse and most believe that Donald Trump is the one that can fix it and not Joe Biden. 

The poll comes from Suffolk University in Boston which asked 1,000 Americans from throughout the country a handful of different questions around the economy. When asked to describe the economy, the two most popular responses were “Horrible/Terrible/Awful” at 22 percent and “Bad/Poor/Weak/Sad/Dismal” also at 22 percent.

In contrast, positive answers like “Excellent/Good/Fine” and “Growing/Improving/Getting Better” only had 11 and seven percent respectively. A large majority of people also did not see it getting better with 70 percent saying that they see the economy “getting worse.” Only 22 percent said they believe the economy to be “improving.”

Economic conditions are also getting harder for the average American with 84 percent of respondents saying that their cost of living is rising, while only four percent said that it was lowering. The largest increases in cost of living come from food prices (49 percent) and housing (16 percent) according to those polled, with other notable answers like utility bills (11 percent) and transportation (11 percent) seeing sizable responses. 

Most are also looking to find ways to cut spending in the economy with a majority saying they will spend less over the holidays, eat out less, cut back on groceries, cancel vacations, cancel home improvement, and essentially any extra possible spending for leisure. 

A large number of respondents also saw their debt increasing with 39 percent saying that it’s more than it was last year. Another 41 percent said that it has remained the same while only 18 percent have been able to make meaningful progress on their debt. When asked what is contributing to their debt, the number one answer was the rising food costs but increased prices like rent, car, and gas costs also had notable percentages. 

Homebuying prospects also look bad for most as 36 percent say that they could not afford to buy or sell their house at the moment. Another 34 percent said that they would simply prefer to rent or live with family, likely seeing the rising cost of homes as too large a barrier to entry. 

So, with the economy in such an abysmal state, who is going to fix it? According to the poll responders, it’s going to be Trump, putting him ahead of Joe Biden much like most other polls. Only 36 percent believed that the current president would be capable of improving the economic situation of the country. In contrast, a stronger 47 percent said that former President Trump would be able to make meaningful strides to improve the economy.

The team behind the New York City mogul took note of the poll, proudly displaying the results in the Trump campaign's Thursday newsletter.

"President Joe Biden is selling an economic rebound,” the newsletter read according to NewsMax. “But most Americans aren't buying it, according to an exclusive poll from the Suffolk University Sawyer Business School and USA TODAY."

Most Americans not buying it is quite true with the poll indicating that 59 percent of people disapproved of the aging president's handling of the economy. Only 34 percent, nearly half, of respondents, were satisfied with the handling done by Biden. Of course, in such a volatile economy, what is there to be happy with?

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