Bad News for Biden: The President’s Approval Ratings Hits New Low, Even Historically Democrat Demographics Don’t Like Him

The DC Enquirer has chronicled Biden’s approval ratings for nearly three months. We have hoped for some shows of life in the Biden Presidency. As Americans, we want America to succeed on the world stage. We are America First Conservatives after all. America follows after a strong leader — a leader like Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump. Strong leaders inspire America to accomplish feats never before imagined. In Biden’s America, we have not simply descended from the lofty heights of yore. We have come cratering to the ground. America may never be the same if Americans don’t vote him and his party out of office in the coming months.

Biden’s ratings have shown no signs of life. In fact, one could liken them to a decaying corpse. Indeed, at this point, it is hard to even remember the last time Biden was seen in a positive light by a majority of Americans or even a sizable percentage of them. Biden’s Presidency has just been one giant catastrophe after another. And we Americans are paying the price — both figuratively with our mental fatigue and literally at the gas pump.

A recent poll demonstrates the dissatisfaction Americans have had with Biden’s presidency. The poll was put out by NBC News no less. And Biden has to be very worried if he plans to run in 2024 — something that is hard to fathom given the state of things. Here are some of the poll’s findings:

“Those are some of the major findings of the new national NBC News poll, which found that Biden’s overall job approval rating had declined to 40 percent, the lowest level of his presidency. The survey also found that Republicans enjoyed a 2-point lead in answering which party should control Congress ahead of November’s midterm elections.”

The macros are even worse for the President. Biden’s approval ratings among Hispanics and women — two groups he won in 2020 by large margins — has virtually crumbled. Only 39 percent of Hispanics approve of the President and only 44 percent of women. The only real positive sign Biden has is a slight growth in his approval of his handling of the pandemic. But even there, much of the recent movement on the pandemic (which Americans approve of) has been against CDC wishes. So, it is rather difficult to say if Biden’s approach is the thing being praised or the general change in sentiment towards the more Conservative, freedom-based approach.

The polls demonstrate that if Republicans are to win this November, they need to make Biden’s presidency a major campaign issue. He has accomplished nothing and has destroyed much of what Trump put in place for our betterment. Things are looking up for the Party of Lincoln.

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