Bill Maher Argues Biden’s Debate Implosion Is ‘A Blessing In Disguise,’ Says Newsom Should Take On Trump In November

Comedian Bill Maher called on Democrats to replace President Joe Biden with California Gov. Gavin Newsom in an op-ed published on Monday.

Many democrats called on Biden to step down following the Thursday debate, where the president spoke in a raspy voice and made several verbal gaffes. Maher argued in an op-ed titled “Why I Want an Open Convention” that replacing Biden is crucial and noted Newsom would be a strong challenge to former President Donald Trump.

“What happened at the debate last week wasn’t a tragedy, it was a blessing in disguise,” Maher wrote. “I called on Mr. Biden to step aside almost a year ago, warning that he would be forever known as ‘Ruth Bader Biden’ if he didn’t. Since then, each time I would bring up that idea, publicly or privately, people would dismiss it out of hand: Get on board, they’d say, the Democrats will never replace him, it’s off the table.”

“I think we’ve babied Joe Biden enough,” he wrote. “After all, none of this can happen until he says he’s stepping aside. At some point, not doing so becomes an act of supreme selfishness.”

Maher argued that Newsom is a better candidate to take on Trump in November because of “the contrast to how he prosecutes the case against Mr. Trump” compared to Biden, noting the governor is “forceful” and “un-bullyable.”

“He’s forceful, never at a loss for words or stats, never stumbles, never intimidated,” Maher wrote. “He’s un-bullyable, and that’s important against Mr. Trump. People are attracted to what looks like strength, much more than specific policies. And he looks great on TV.”

Making Newsom the party’s candidate would also require Vice President Kamala Harris to “either drop off the ticket or move her residence” in order to keep the state’s electors able to vote for both candidates via the 12th amendment, freeing Democrats of its “other political problem,” Maher argued.

“But whether it’s Mr. Newsom or someone else, we need to start talking about who the Democrats should put on the ballot in November. Anyone with a ‘D’ by their name basically makes this race a tie,” Maher wrote. “Being a fresh face who has spent less time in the spotlight equals ‘America’s less tired of you,’ equals that extra percentage that will make for a winning ticket.”

Republished with permission from The Daily Caller News Foundation.
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