Candace Owens Has Stunning Reply To NYT Reporter — She Cites Their Own Paper Against Them!

The failing New York Times is as biased a source as they come. The Times was once a trusted American paper — a beacon of truth and justice. They tried their hardest to appear non-partisan, for journalistic integrity is essential to the job. But it appears that the paper’s once cherished non-partisan image has done the way of the dinosaur.

The paper now prides itself in its leftism — whether they admit to it or not. They fought tooth and nail for Biden to get elected. For example, the NYT chose to discredit and dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop story at the most opportune time possible for the Biden campaign. Of course, now, the NYT has been (begrudgingly) forced to reckon with the truth. But it took ages to admit the facts, and perhaps lost a sitting President the legitimacy he needed to win again.

Candace Owens has never been bashful when it comes to politics. She will not be silenced by the Left-Wing media — nor do we want her to be, for her takes are nearly always on target. Of course, the media would like to put her in the box as a black woman.

But Owens eschews identity politics, The Left-Wing media only serves to hurt the black community. Indeed, the Democratic Party has not been good to the black voter, despite the fact that they persuade such a large percentage of that community. Owens is not persuaded, and the Left (and their media lapdogs) will forever hate her for it.

That’s the basis for a recent encounter Owens had on Twitter. A reporter from the failing New York Times emailed Owens asking for a source concerning a claim that she had made earlier in the month. Owens maintains that the Ukrainian Government is a corrupt entity.

Of course, that says nothing about the moral quality of Russia’s invasion. Russia’s invasion could be completely unjustified, even if the Ukrainian Government has a certain tendency towards corruption. But that did not stop the New York Times from attacking her. Owens was forced to reply. Her integrity was being questioned. And Owens replied in the most savage way possible — by citing the NYT’s own reports against the reporter:

Now that is a response — a mic drop moment if you will! The media may try to dismiss the tweet as baseless, but in so doing, they are dismissing their own reports. The media is no longer trusted by the vast majority of Americans per recent polling, and to dismiss the reports she cited as “baseless” is to dismiss the journalistic industry at large. We do hope they have more sense than that.

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