CNN Focus Group Reveals Who They Believe Won The GOP Debate

A CNN focus group of Iowa Republican voters believe conservative businessman Vivek Ramaswamy won the first 2024 GOP presidential debate Wednesday evening.

Eight Republican primary candidates took the stage in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, after meeting the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) debate criteria. Seven voters out of the group of 15 people believe Ramaswamy had the best debate performance when asked by CNN’s Gary Tuchman, while four individuals picked former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and two chose Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“I was reminded of the time when Vivek was talking about the national identity situation, and I know Pence brought up that that wasn’t really an issue, but I think it was a generational problem because Vivek understands that … people my age don’t really love America, and if you don’t love it, you can’t protect it,” one of the voters who believes Ramaswamy won the debate said. “And I think if we fix that problem, then people will, as a natural byproduct, want to protect America and what it stands for.”

None of the Iowa GOP voters raised their hand for former Vice President Mike Pence, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson or North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, according to the video.

Former President Donald Trump skipped the first GOP debate, and instead participated in a pre-recorded interview with Daily Caller News Foundation co-founder Tucker Carlson released once the candidates took the stage.

The RealClearPolitics (RCP) average for a 2024 national Republican primary, based on polls conducted between Aug. 10 and Aug. 21, indicates Trump is leading by over 40 points, followed by DeSantis at 14.3%, Ramaswamy at 7.2% and Pence at 4%. Haley, former Christie and Scott received 3.2%, 3.1% and 3%, respectively, and all other GOP hopefuls garnered less than 1% support.

Republished with permission from The Daily Caller News Foundation.
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