Rand Paul Has Message For Dr. Fauci Which May Dampen His Retirement News

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) promised if Republicans take control of the House and/or Senate following the 2022 midterms this Fall, Dr. Anthony Fauci would be subpoenaed and made to testify under oath about the coronavirus outbreak.

The Kentucky statesman told Fox News the announcement of Fauci’s retirement at the end of President Joe Biden’s first term is “very good news for the truth,” and the American public.

“If he’s in public employment, we will subpoena him,” Paul continued. “He will have to appear and testify under oath… because a million Americans died.”

He then outlined his motivations as to why Fauci should testify saying the links between government funding and how the virus got leaked, are troubling.

“[What] we want to know about was there a cover-up in trying to suppress any link to the lab in China?” Paul asked. “I do fully believe this virus, this pandemic that killed six million people around the world, leaked from the lab.”

“A concerted effort by him and his colleagues to cover this up and make sure it didn’t come to light that the NIH was funding that lab and that there was reasonable scientific evidence that suggests that it came from the lab,” he added.


Paul made headlines last year when he repeatedly questioned Fauci during Congressional hearings on NIAID’s role in gain-of-function research.

Paul questioned the four-decade career bureaucrat on NIAID’s funding of gain-of-function research, which turned out to be conducted in a “limited experiment” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China – the same city where the COVID-19 virus originated, Fox News reported.

During his Congressional testimony, Fauci stated under oath, that no gain-of-function research was taking place with NIAID funding. Upon the realization that NIAID was funding experiments, however, Paul asked if Fauci would rescind his prior statements and asserted the NIAID director was “obfuscating the truth.”

Despite the Kentucky Republican’s continual questioning of Fauci, the Brooklyn doctor stonewalled him. Since then, Fauci has reportedly refused to answer questions sent by Paul’s office — concerning gain-of-function research.

With Fauci’s unwillingness to divulge information regarding said research, and other factors about the handling of the early stages of the COVID pandemic, Paul seems adamant that Fauci is “going to be made to testify under oath. And I hope he sticks around because we do have some questions.”

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