DeSantis Signs Classroom Bill Recognizing All ‘Victims Of Communism’

Ron DeSantis is at it again. As a fighter for all things liberty, the Florida Republican has never backed down when it comes to the evils of government coercion. And as we shall see in today’s article, he is taking action for the kids, so that they will never live under an ideology that detests freedom.

It is no wonder why DeSantis fights so hard for freedom. The government exists to protect our liberties. Indeed, a government that does not do that can scarcely be called a government at all. It is certainly not a functioning one. And DeSantis knows, we have to cultivate in our children a love for freedom if we want our nation to continue existing. DeSantis took action to make sure our next generation knows freedom is a beautiful thing.

Communism is the antithesis of liberty. It places people in boxes, boxes they could not emerge from if they tried. More importantly, (and there is scarcely anything more important than freedom) it is a deadly ideology. Most estimates put the global death toll of major communist regimes somewhere over one hundred million people.

It is also an anti-God ideology. Marxism seeks to limit religion wherever possible, and it has historically persecuted believers and churches. As a nation that serves God and not the whims of fallen man, we cannot have communism in America, nor socialism, nor any ideologies that constrain our American values.

That’s why Ron DeSantis, in the ultimate show of American pride, declared a public day of remembrance for the victims of communist ideology in public schools — House Bill 395. Per the Daily Wire, the bill covers significant eras in history — including the regimes of Stalin and Mao. In a press release, Ron DeSantis said the following about the bill:

“Honoring the people that have fallen victim to communist regimes and teaching our students about those atrocities is the best way to ensure that history does not repeat itself. 

Through HB 395 … we are guaranteeing that the history of those who fled communist regimes and their experiences are preserved and not forgotten by our students. 

While it’s fashionable in some circles to whitewash the history of communism, Florida will stand for truth and remain as a beachhead for freedom.”

What DeSantis said bears repeating. The Left wants us to forget about communism because by doing so, they can more effectively present their cultural Marxist and CRT policies as benign. But it is anything but benign. We cannot let communism enter our United States of America. And that means voting for candidates, like Ron DeSantis, who are not afraid to connect the left’s rhetoric to its source — Marxist thought.

Lastly, he called out the general ignorance of students as concerns of communist ideology. The Governor said:

“You can see on a college campus students flying the hammer and sickle from the old Soviet Union flag. You will see students that will have T-shirts with Che Guevara on a T-shirt. You will see students who idolize people like Mao Zedong. That, to me, speaks of a tremendous ignorance about what those individuals represented in the evils that communism inflicted on people throughout the world. And so, our goal here is to stand for the truth.”

We support Ron DeSantis because he supports America as established. And that is important in 2022. We hope other Republicans return to our founding and the principles of government revealed therein. America cannot persist without a renewed interest in freedom, and a renewed opposition to tyranny, wherever it is found.

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