DHS Head of Censorship’s Past Views and Embarrassing Videos Revealed, Her Record of Determining “Facts” Speaks for Itself

Biden’s DHS Ministry of Truth Director is already making wakes throughout the nation… and not good ones. In less than 24 hours, the new official, Nina Jankowicz, has cemented herself as a curious mix of both a laughingstock and nightmare for Americans.

Without even starting the job, Jankowicz has already proved to the nation that her judgment on whatever qualifies as ‘disinformation’ is shaky. She incorrectly determined the Hunter Biden laptop story to be disinformation as shown in this tweet:

She also claimed that Trump supporters were going to show up to the polls armed to intimidate voters.

Once again, Mrs. Jankowicz takes a shot and misses the target completely

Surely the new director in charge of determining what qualifies as ‘disinformation’ or ‘misinformation’ would have a blank record or a positive record of calling out fact from fiction, but Ms. Jankowicz appears to have neither of those.

The real nightmare comes from Ms. Jankowicz’s theater performances that almost come across as mockery to those who oppose her and the Biden Administration.

There should be no mistake that this board will be used to silence dissenting opinions or narratives not in line with the Administration’s agenda. Previously, all censorship was enacted by the tech companies with the guidance of the Administration. Conveniently following Musk’s buy of Twitter, the Administration has decided to take a more active role in content censorship and narrative control.

In a press call held by senior administration officials, one of the main points of the discussion was the use of the internet. Specifically, the Administration has seen a “trend of rising digital authoritarianism, where some states have been acting to repress freedom of expression, to censor independent news sources, to interfere with elections, promote disinformation around the world, and deny their citizens other human rights.”

It is no doubt the senior officials were aware of the announcement of the new DHS disinformation board, but surely, they could be honest about being one of the largest entities on the planet responsible for ‘rising digital authoritarianism.’

After all, it is the Biden Administration that has been caught using purposeful disinformation multiple times in 2022 alone to form public opinion. The Biden Administration may claim it was to dissuade foreign foes from acting but rallying support for the handling of the situation in Eastern Europe is likely an equally important goal.

Luckily not all hope is lost yet. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has pledged to fight against the Administration’s new Ministry of Truth.

All eyes fall to like-minded conservatives in power to challenge the new disinformation board and fall in rank with DeSantis. 

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