Elon Musk Announces He Will Vote Republican In Upcoming Elections

Republicans are the overwhelming favorite to win big in 2022. And it is no secret why. America is in shambles a little over a year into Biden’s Presidency. And it is not looking as though Biden and company will change their downward trajectory any time soon.

The examples of said failure are all around us. The US border is a disaster. We used to have a great big, beautiful border wall under construction but no longer.

Our economy is down the drain. Trump created perhaps the best economy in the history of our country, and Biden could have very well squandered all of his achievements.

We are a joke on the world stage. Trump commanded the respect of the entire world. He kept America, indeed, the world, safe. He did this, not by globalism but by a strong America First nationalism. But Biden is America Last, and America Worst — and a weak America means a vulnerable world.

Since Trump left office, one thing that hasn’t changed is radical leftist censorship. The Leftists on Facebook and Twitter are censoring conservative patriots every day — dividing the country along the way. America is all the worse off for it — since free speech is essential to the health of a democracy. This is something Elon Musk has compellingly argued.

Mr. Musk is the subject of today’s article. As a defender of democracy, he has stood opposed to the blatant authoritarianism of Joseph R. Biden and his liberal cronies. Of course, Elon supported the man Biden was Vice President for — Barack Obama.

But with its blatant radicalism and divisive rhetoric, Joe Biden’s short tenure in office makes Obama’s tenure (yes, the term of the Great Divider) look like the Reagan era. That is, an era of peace, concord, and American exceptionalism.

That has caused Elon to rethink his loyalty to the Democrat Party. In fact, he has not merely reconsidered his commitments — he has pledged support to the party of Lincoln. And that loyalty could really change things for the better. He said the following during an interview with the All-In Podcast:

“I would classify myself as a moderate… I have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats, historically. Like I’m not sure, I might never have voted for a Republican, just to be clear.

Now this election, I will.”

Elon then assured that his takeover of Twitter is not a right-wing takeover but, instead, a “moderate wing” shift. And that is the right mentality for a free-speech giant to take — not favoring one side over the other. If Elon holds true to that sentiment, America will be all the better.

Here is the video:

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