Emails Reveal John Kerry Held Meeting With Hunter Biden Associate Just Weeks Before Ukraine's Shokin Was Fired

Former Burisma executive and ex-best friend to Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, reportedly met with then-Secretary of State John Kerry in 2016 just weeks before Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the gas company, was fired.

It has been revealed via an FBI informant document, FD-1023, released earlier this summer that the Biden family allegedly took $10 million as a bribe to pressure the Ukrainian government to fire Shokin. The prosecutor was fired in March 2016, just a few weeks after Archer met with Kerry.

As reported by Fox News, the businessman met with Kerry at the State Department in Washington D.C. in early March. "Devon Archer coming to see S today at 3:00pm - need someone to meet/greet him at C Street," the email reads.

According to Fox, 'S' refers to Secretary of State Kerry. While the meeting does seem to have taken place it is anyone's guess whether or not they discussed the Ukrainian prosecutor or Burisma, however, the timing of the meeting is suspect.

In an interview on Saturday, Shokin explained that he was fired at the insistence of then-Vice President Biden and that accusations that he was corrupt were unfounded.

"I have said repeatedly in my previous interviews that [then-Ukrainian President Petro] Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then-Vice President Biden because I was investigating Burisma," the former prosecutor general said.

"[Poroshenko] understood and so did Vice President Biden that had I continued to oversee the Burisma investigation, we would have found the facts about the corrupt activities that they were engaging in," he continued. "That included both Hunter Biden and Devon Archer and others."

In testimony to the House Oversight Committee, Devon Archer confirmed that Burisma pressured the Biden's to try to get Shokin fired which resulted in a phone call to "D.C." in December 2015, just days before Biden was to fly out to Ukraine.

As previously reported by the DC Enquirer, Devon Archer told lawmakers that Hunter was brought on to the board of Burisma in order to reinforce "the brand" that was the Biden last name.

Archer told the House Oversight Committee that Hunter would regularly put his father on speaker phone, at least on 20 separate occasions, with his business associates. This would prove to Hunter's associates that he had direct access to one of the most powerful men in the world and thus emphasize Hunter's ability to get things done, something that was clearly impressed upon the Burisma executives when they wanted to deal with Shokin.

Hunter Biden routinely utilized his family name to score lucrative business deals and allegedly get millions of dollars in exchange for favors from then-Vice President Biden. Archer's meeting with Kerry just weeks before Shokin's firing is yet another thread in the growing web of scandal surrounding the Biden family.

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