'It's all BULLS**T': Gutfeld EXPLODES After Trump Indictment, Recalls Schumer's 2016 Warning To Trump

Speaking with Harold Ford, Jr. on The Five on Monday, co-host Greg Gutfeld explosively responded to Fulton County, Georgia DA Fanni Wallis's indictment of the 45th President Donald Trump and 18 others. "It's all Bulls**t!" Gutfeld declared.

Ford, Jr., had begun by seemingly justifying the politically motivated vendetta against Trump under the thin veneer of "federalism." 

 "This is what federalism allows states to do: to enforce their laws here," he claimed. “If [the DA's Office] has evidence showing that his state of mind is different than what he claims, he’ll have more of a problem—"

It was at this point Gutfeld had to interject. 


“You don’t think this is totally over the top?” he said, raising his voice.

"Everything you say makes sense, except it’s all bullshit!"

Gutfeld explained, “It’s all nonstop. We know this is designed to banish and isolate and destroy a political outsider."

He then gave a history lesson to Ford, Jr.: "Who predicted this? Chuck Schumer! Remember?"

Judge Jeanine Pirro piped up, "Oh, you are so right!"

Gutfeld paraphrased Schumer, 'Don't mess with the intel agencies, don't mess with the intel agencies they'll arrest your team and keep it off the field!'”

Here's the video from 2016 to which Gutfeld referred:

Schumer told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow that he warned Trump presciently, "You take on the intelligence community they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you so even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman he's being really dumb to do this, and from what I am told they are very upset with how he has treated them."

Ford, Jr. then asked Gutfeld, "But do you not think he's done anything to deserve any of this?"

Seeming to draw a breath and steady himself, Gutfeld attempted a more diplomatic response, referring to Trump as “probably one of the most troubling, consequential figures in history.” Before turning to Ford, Jr. and answering definitively, "But No, he doesn't deserve any of this."

Pirro followed Gutfeld by asking the panel, “Why didn’t they indict him until he announced he was running for president?”

Ford, Jr's response was a tepid one, suggesting that had the Biden DOJ indicted Trump immediately after his announcement, critics could suggest a full investigation wasn't run... seeming to miss the point entirely.

Dana Perrino then jumped in claiming that the 45th President "was always going to say something about anything. It was always going to be ‘Political!’ Or it was always going to be, ‘Too rushed!’ Or it was always going to be, ‘Too late!’” she said. “He was never going to say, ‘Oh actually, you know what? You guys caught me. You’re right.’ That was never going to be the case.”

Like Ford, Jr., Perrino seemed to be trying to obfuscate the blatant earmarks of the politically motivated hit-job nature of the indictments that Gutfeld and Pirro described.

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  • Article Source: DC Enquirer
  • Photo: Jason Koerner / Getty Images
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There is even more evidence that proves the intellifent agency is fabricating all these charges, case in point what schummer said on narional telivision when he told president Trump the inteligence agency has 6 ways to sunday getting Trump if he messed with them. And here it is, what they are doing to Trump

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