As previously covered by the DC Enquirer, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is in hot water after he failed to comply with a congressional subpoena for an unclassified document that allegedly details a Biden bribery scandal. In response to this, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Representative James Comer (R-KY) has threatened to hold Director Wray in contempt and called Wray's failure to comply "obstructionist and unacceptable." Some representatives would go further than Representative Comer as they view it unlikely that Biden's Department of Justice would press charges given its record of covering for Mr. Biden.
It is here that Representative Scott Perry (R-PA), chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, struck on the idea of sending Director Wray into the congressional brig if he continues to not produce the requisite material to Congress.
Mr. Perry told Just the News, "We can't press charges. But we certainly can refer charges...And if he shows up on Capitol Hill, if he shows up in the House chamber, he can certainly end up in the brig here. I think those are harsh words, but we just can't have this defiance. The information as we understand it is not classified."
"Either he needs to comply or there needs to be severe consequences -- the most extreme competent consequences that the legislative body can provide for," Chairman Perry emphasized. "That's what needs to happen with an individual like him with his defiance about the truth that the American people deserve and own."
Representative Perry thinks that he felt that all this material is only scratching "the surface" of Biden's corrupt dealings and he told conservative show host Benny Johnson that an impeachment of Joe Biden looks to be where things are logically heading at present.
Mr. Johnson observed that Mr. Perry and Mr. Comer were using terms like obstruction of justice and that this sounded like impeachment talk. Perry responded that "High crimes and misdemeanors- there are a lot of members of Congress that know that the president is flaunting the law...that he is generally incompetent...but they are waiting for a violation of section and code and if we find that violation in fact then those indeed are undeniably impeachable offenses."And we are only starting to scratch the surface…
— RepScottPerry (@RepScottPerry) April 27, 2023
Representative Perry admitted in the interview that "Right now, it looks like that's [impeachment] where we're headed." Perry said for himself personally it was enough for a president to flaunt the law rather than outright break it. So for Perry, Biden's abandonment of the southern border is sufficient to be an impeachable offense. Perry confessed that many of his colleagues are looking for outright violations of the law.
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