Treasury Department Stonewalling to Protect Hunter Biden, Refuses To Hand Over Documents Relating To Investigation: ‘They Are Just Sitting On The Ball’

The House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) has expressed deep frustration over how bureaucratic stonewalling is keeping compelling evidence from the committee’s hands and how the opposition’s strategy is to draw things out until after the 2024 election. “That’s their whole strategy: run out the clock, run out the clock” complained the Kentucky Republican. Chairman Comer added, “You know, they want the subpoena. It goes to court. … They’re just sitting on the ball. They want the clock to expire.” Comer noted that he summoned a senior official from the Treasury Department to explain why the department is unwilling to release suspicious activity reports on Hunter’s business dealings that were flagged by banks.

In that vein, Comer tweeted “[t]he Biden admin is clearly worried about my investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling operation. Just this past week, @GOPoversight spoke to multiple whistleblowers connected to Biden business schemes.” He also pledged that “[w]e’ll gather the facts”

The lawyer from the Treasury Department who refused to provide the committee with its requested material is slated to appear for questioning on Friday. Comer explained that “[s]he can try to explain to us why, under President Biden, this is the first administration that’s blocked the House Oversight Committee or the House Financial Services Committee from having access. The whole purpose of these suspicious activity reports was to be able to help everyone work together in trying to track down crime. And the fact that she’s blocking this and that they are on the accounts of the president of the United States and his immediate family is very troubling.”


Mr. Comer warned that in addition to the battle over subpoenas, he plans to use other pressure tactics. “So we’re looking now for when October 1 [when the new fiscal budget takes effect] starts to identify a specific bureaucrat who refuses to cooperate with our investigation, specific bureaucrats who have clearly abused their power, who don’t answer to Congress, who don’t answer to the legislative agenda that receive the orders from the people,” Comer said. Comer continued by warning “If they don’t abide by the Constitution, they’re going to be singled out. We’re going to cut their salary. And this is something that they better take seriously because this is the one way we can start to chip away at the out-of-control, control excessive bureaucracy.”

The timing of Mr. Comer’s offensive, as noted by Just The News, “comes as another powerful investigator, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, has issued his first subpoenas into the treatment of FBI whistleblowers exposing the weaponization of government.” Hopefully, both investigations will manage to cut past the red tape that prevents a transparent and ethical inquiry into governmental and political misconduct.

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