Jen Psaki Refuses to Condemn Protests Outside SCOTUS Households Seeking to Intimidate Court

The Democrats are up in arms like never before.  The reason? Well, the edifice behind their abortive reign of terror is finally starting to collapse — the ever-destructive decision that is Roe V. Wade. Their secular sacrament is at stake, as conservative justices fight against decades of judicial activism. And we must say, the collapse of the Democrat death machine is wonderful to behold!

Few of us could have expected Roe to be struck down in our lifetimes. But liberals are taking to the streets. That very well could spell danger for the brave men and women who formulated the leaked majority opinion on the Anti-Roe case introduced to the court in 2021.  And unfortunately for us, the current Administration does not take a hardline stance against harassing politicians.

In fact, Democrats like Mad Maxine Waters live off such vitriol. This is the Democrat’s modus operandi. They cannot win on the issues, so they turn to emotional abuse and harassment.

It is imperative we take action to vote these politicians out of office in the coming years. Our future depends on it. The future of our children, and our children’s children, is even more at stake. And we have to protect our judges from the whims of mobs. For the rule of law is reflective of the order of things, and that order issues from God Almighty — not the desires of those who wish to harass rather than convince.

Roe — that antiquated, and poorly formulated piece of judicial deliberations was considered “precedent” even by the most conservative of judges. But Roe is not impressive, Roe has no right to stand. It allows the massacre of the unborn, the abortion-on-demand industry we see today. That “culture of death” has long-lasting ramifications. A culture that does not value life is no culture at all. Life precedes all and gives content to all after all.

You would think, on a controversial issue like abortion, the White House would do their best to advocate for peace and toleration — at least until the matter was settled. But that is not the case.

During a presser earlier today, Jen Psaki was asked by Fox’s Peter Doocy what she thought about protestors harassing the conservative judges outside their homes. And rather than pushing for concord, she said the unthinkable: It is apparently okay to harass the judicial branch of our government, as long as it meets her arbitrary definition of “nonviolent”. Doocy asked specifically if those who choose to protest outside of the SCOTUS justices’ houses are extremists. She declined to condemn them, but instead said:

“Peaceful protest, no. Peaceful protest is not extreme. We certainly encourage people to keep it peaceful and not resort to any level of violence.”

That is a non-answer if I have ever heard one. In fact, a sensible reading is that she encourages the harassment of judges, at least if it is “non-violent”. But one thing is for sure — harassment is apparently okay as long as the Democrat Party is the one doing the harassment.

The hypocrisy is unreal. That Psaki could say that with a straight face is all the more reason we are excited to see her move on to darker horizons — if one could say that — to the forever baffling MSNBC. We sure could use a Press Secretary like Kayleigh McEnany again!

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