Kentucky Legislature Makes Strong Stance For Women’s Rights in Sports

Due to recent controversies, the Kentucky legislature has passed SB 83 which is called the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” which would ban biological males from participating in women’s sports. The bill will be heading to Gov. Beshear (D-KY) where the bill will most likely be vetoed.

The bill has faced a lot of push back and many are flocking to condemn the bill. The Human Rights Campaign’s State Legislature Director and Senior Counsel, Cathryn Oakley, said “By passing this bill, the Kentucky State Senate has put misinformation and disapproval of transgender youth ahead of the best interest of the kids of the Commonwealth.” But the bill is far from “misinformation” as it only states that biological men may not participate in female sports.

The Kentucky ACLU wrote “This bill is a solution in search of a non-existent problem. If this becomes law, it will jeopardize our children’s mental health, physical well-being, and ability to access educational opportunities comparable to their peers.” But it’s simply not true. The problem does exist and it’s causing irreparable damage to women’s athletic careers and opportunities. 

The bill clearly lays out that three categories will be given to sports in grades 6-12 for Kentucky public schools. These groups will be boys, girls, and coed. It goes on to explain “A student’s biological sex as indicated on the student’s original, unedited birth certificate issued at the time of birth.”

Although the definition of biological sex doesn’t seem to leave any room for confusion, the bill continues its clarification by addressing women’s sports specifically saying “An athletic activity or sport designated as “girls” for students in grades six through twelve shall not be open to members of the male sex.” 

Not that those who oppose it care, but the bill clarifies that those who do not identify with their biological gender are welcome to play sports with others of their biological sex or on specified “coed” teams. This bill does not seek to disqualify those who do not identify with their biological sex, rather it seeks to protect the integrity of women’s sports. 

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