Reported Leak Details Major Friction Between Biden and Harris as Midterm Elections Loom

An upcoming book authored by New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns reportedly details the hidden friction between President Biden and Vice President Harris.

Politico reports that it obtained excerpts from the book that is supposed to be released on May 3rd. The book, “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future,” discloses details about Harris’s concerns with the tasks she’d been given by the President’s team, among a host of other troubling interactions between the President and the Vice President.

According to the leaked excerpts, Biden’s Communication Direct, Kate Bedingfield, “grew tired of the criticism that the White House was mismanaging Harris – she blamed the VP.” This follows repeated complaints by Harris throughout her first year about the difficulty of her portfolio.

Bedingfield noted that this was not the first time the Vice President had fallen short of expectations. Harris’s Senate office and presidential campaign were poorly run and a “fiasco” according to the excerpt. Bedingfield suggested that perhaps, “the problem was not the vice president’s staff.”

Harris’s staff during the first year had an unusual turnover rate according to the New York Post. Even with the challenging atmosphere that the office presents, “the departures from the vice president’s office coincided with growing criticism over her treatment of staff.

Bedingfield denied the leaked statements and responded to Politico, “the fact that no one working on this book bothered to call to fact check the unattributed claim tells you what you need to know.” She also maintains, “Vice resident Harris is a force in this administration, and I have the utmost respect for the work she does every day to move the country forward.”

Interestingly, Biden and Harris were “remarkably leak-proof” during the first several months in office. However, following Harris’s trip to Guatemala in June, reports of dysfunction among her team made it to the press.

This report of dysfunction angered Biden and his team and resulted in Biden warning that if “he found that any of them was stirring up negative stories about the vice president, they would quickly be former staff.”

While Harris and her team found themselves out of grace with Biden’s team, Harris also found herself at odds with the President’s wife, Jill Biden. When speaking with an adviser to her husband’s campaign about teaming up with Kamala, Jill reportedly asked, “Why, do we have to choose the one who attacked Joe?”

This is in reference to Kamala accusing Joe Biden of being a racist during a debate. Harris explained to Joe, “It was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States Senators who built their reputations and careers on the segregation of race in this country. It was not only that, but you also worked with them to oppose busing. Do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose busing in America?”

The First Lady does bring up a valid point, surely the campaign team could pick another person – especially one that did not directly attack the President during a national debate. Overall, it seems that Biden could be struggling to work with Harris and her team. If Harris has trouble working with her own team, it is not a far-fetched assumption that Biden and his team are struggling to work with the infamous Vice President as well.

Overall, it seems the dysfunctional duo cannot even work with each other efficiently, much less by themselves. This adds to the pile of bad news that could spell disaster for the November midterms. Democrats are looking at an increasingly hostile midterm with the way their party members are performing.

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