Matt Gaetz Introduces Major Legislation to Stop America’s Endless Wars Overseas Putting America First

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced a resolution yesterday in the House of Representatives to withdraw American military forces from Syria. The concurrent resolution was forwarded to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. As Just the News writes, “The House must vote on Gaetz’s proposal within 18 days of its introduction because of the special status granted to war powers resolutions.”

Mr. Gaetz’s text reads that it is “Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1544(c)), Congress directs the President to remove the United States Armed Forces from Syria by not later than the date that is 15 days after the date of the adoption of this concurrent resolution.”

As the firebrand Florida Republican explained, “Congress has never authorized the use of military force in Syria. America First means actually putting the people of our country first — not the interests of the Military Industrial Complex.”

He further added in an interview with Fox News that “Since the invasion of Ukraine, we seem to have turned our attention away from some of America’s entanglement in Syria, And the purpose of my legislation is to force members of Congress to vote on record regarding whether they think we ought to continue Obama’s war in Syria. President Obama kicked off our involvement … and now we still find ourselves in the middle of a Syrian civil war with Russia and Turkey and Iran, all present in a very confined neighborhood.”


Mr. Gaetz opined that all this “strikes me as a powder keg for very dangerous escalation. “And as we find ourselves here in 2023, we ought to ask ourselves, ‘Do we really want to continue the Obama-era policy of engaging in a Syrian civil war?’ I don’t think we should.”

He further tweeted asking “What are we trying to win in Syria? If Biden has a plan worthy of risking American lives, he should tell it to congress. I haven’t heard one.”

In 2019, Joe Biden attacked President Trump for his plan to pull American forces out of Syria after destroying ISIS and argued that Trump “sold them [the anti-ISIS Arabs and Kurds] out” by his plan. Joe Biden, when he assumed the presidency, canceled the plans to withdraw forces from Syria. An administration spokesman excused the act by saying that “The Biden Administration’s priorities for Syria are clear: promote commitment to ceasefires, expand humanitarian access, and ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS, while continuing to support the UN-led political process pursuant to UNSCR 2254. The U.S. military mission in eastern Syria is to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS. There is no military mission beyond that objective.”

The critics can argue that based on what was revealed, however, the mission has no end in sight given that it can always excuse itself as ensuring the “enduring defeat of ISIS”.

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