Move Over 'Pride Month', Acclaimed Christian Thinker Launches 'Fidelity Month' To Promote Moral Values In The Month Of June

As sodomy and sin overtake June for the corporate shilling game of ‘Pride Month’, conservative Christian philosopher and Princeton University professor Dr. Robert P. George is pushing for the month to be recognized and celebrated as “Fidelity Month.”

Dr. George has launched an official website for the campaign as well as made numerous posts to his personal Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. He is attempting to share the message as far and wide as possible to overwrite the LGBTQ-themed time.

The website features a message from the Christian thinker, referencing a recent poll from The Wall Street Journal that shows concerning declines in important beliefs like patriotism, religion, family, and community. Dr. George highlights how these values are “used to unite Americans despite our many differences,” and the many things that can be accomplished through them.

“By the authority vested in me by absolutely no one, I have declared June to be “Fidelity Month”—a month dedicated to the importance of fidelity to God, spouses and families, and our country and communities,” the website reads.

The Princeton professor also encourages people to recognize and celebrate Fidelity Month and do what can be done to spread the word. “Put out a statement. Hold an event (like hosting a speaker on the importance of any of the values we need to restore). Use the symbol to make and fly a Fidelity Month flag. Use the symbol for your social media or website. Think of other things to do.”
  The call from Dr. George comes at a time when numerous corporations bow before the leftist mob and celebrate the LGBTQ community and all their ‘contributions’ to society. Of course, these corporations seldom have any actual support for the community and instead, use the month to release merchandise and ads to increase sales.

Fidelity Month can provide a moral alternative to the sin-ridden month, encouraging traditional values to be imbued in American society as opposed to celebrating groomers and the mentally ill. The movement is still new and is just now picking up steam, but hopefully, in the future, we’ll be celebrating God and patriotism in the month of June instead of the alphabet soup squad. 
  • Article Source: DC Enquirer
  • Photo: Mateus Campos Felipe /
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