‘Never Taken An Easier Vote’: GOP Reps Slam Adam Schiff After Censure Vote

Republicans in the House of Representatives ripped Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff following a Wednesday vote to censure him over his actions regarding allegations that former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia.

The House passed a resolution by Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida that censured Schiff over his pushing of claims that Trump’s successful 2016 presidential campaign colluded with Russia by a 213-209 vote. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy removed Schiff from the House Intelligence Committee Jan. 24, citing allegations that Schiff lied on multiple issues, including claiming that a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden was Russian disinformation and his defense of the now-discredited Steele dossier.

“No Member of Congress has worked harder to earn a censure than Shifty Adam Schiff,” Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana posted on Twitter. “I’ve never taken an easier vote in my life.”

“Adam Schiff had to be kicked off the Intel Committee for leaking classified info but the left was ok with it. Tonight they refused to censure him. Definitely no indictment or prison time for Adam,” Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina tweeted. “At the same time they argue Trump should die in prison. What a double standard.”

Other Republicans were far more blunt about Schiff, who often made claims about alleged collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.

“Adam Schiff betrayed the trust of the American people & forced them to foot the bill for his unfounded Trump-Russia hoax investigation,” Rep. Nick Langworthy of New York tweeted. “I’m an original cosponsor of @RepLuna’s resolution to censure him to send a message that we will hold Members of Congress accountable.”

“Adam Schiff is a LIAR who pushed the Russia HOAX nonstop for YEARS. Tonight’s censure was LONG overdue. He might be the WORST member of Congress!!” Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas posted on Twitter.

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida called out Democrats when they spent five minutes cheering Schiff on the House floor after the censure vote.

“Democrats cheering for Adam Schiff on the House floor today following his censure is the 2023 equivalent of the crowds cheering for Barabbas!” Gaetz tweeted.

Republished with permission from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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