New Poll Shows Trump-Biden Rematch Tightening In Key Swing States

The race between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden appears to be tightening across seven battleground states that will be crucial in securing a second term for either candidate, a Monday poll found.

Trump’s lead against Biden narrowed from six to four points among registered voters across Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the latest Bloomberg News/Morning Consult survey. The head-to-head matchups also tightened in each individual state except for Pennsylvania, where Trump grew his margin slightly from one to two points, since the April poll.

The survey found Trump and Biden tied in Nevada, where the former president was previously leading by eight points. Trump’s leads dropped by three points in Wisconsin and Georgia, as well as by two points in Arizona, and Biden’s margin narrowed to one point in Michigan.

Trump won Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, but narrowly lostthem all to Biden last cycle. The former president secured North Carolina each election, while Nevada went blue both cycles.

The Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll follows weeks of Trump being held up in court for the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg case, which is likely to wrap up next week. A majority of swing-state voters said they’ve heard mostly negative news about Trump in the past week compared to 50% who said the same of Biden.

Trump continues to poll ahead of Biden in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) national average, which the president hasn’t led in since September. The former president also holds leads in every battleground state’s RCP average.

The Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll surveyed 4,962 registered voters across the seven swing states between May 7 and May 13 with a margin of error of plus or minus 1%.

Individually, 812 respondents came from Pennsylvania; 795 came from Arizona and Georgia; 704 came from Michigan and North Carolina; 693 came from Wisconsin; and 459 came from Nevada. The survey yielded margins of error of plus or minus 3% in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania; 4% in Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin; and 5% in Nevada.

Neither the Trump nor Biden campaign immediately responded to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

Republished with permission from The Daily Caller News Foundation.
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Polls & Trolls come out of the woodwork in an election year. Trolls are mindless automatons, but polls are manipulated! Polling companies are paid by the political parties. They make money by keeping both sides HOPEFUL! So…every election, we see this…manipulation of data for profit! If a pollster shows a runaway, done-deal, then the pollsters don’t get paid! See? They MUST keep both sides interested. They peak their expectations. Polls do not measure. Polls are designed to manipulate opinion. Polls are superfluous. They just hide the fact, and they keep you anxiously awaiting the next poll. Wanna know the election status. Look at excitement, energy, rally attendance and campaign signs and bumper stickers. You’ll be more accurate than the polls!

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