New Poll Shows World Leaders Respected Trump More Than Biden

President Joseph R. Biden is not respected on the world stage. And by virtue of his impotence, America is no longer as revered as she once was. And voters are taking notice of that fact. Perhaps they will vote their mind in 2022 and beyond.

Such was not the case under President Trump. Now, nations may have been afraid to admit they appreciated the strategic excellence and business acumen of President Trump. Such was largely due to his rough demeanor and common manner of speaking.

But Trump was anything but common — he was a fighter par excellence. We loved Trump because he loved us. He wanted America to be great — great again! And a strong America means a strong world.

Biden, on the other hand, has been disastrous on every front imaginable.  Our border is in shambles. Of course, that isn’t a problem for the Europeans, who functionally have no borders, and whose identity is in shambles as a result. But it is a problem for other, smarter nations, who recognize nations are dependent on their borders.

We withdrew from Afghanistan in the most dramatic way possible — and that shocked the world. Indeed, British politicians essentially called Biden a traitor in a parliament meeting. And it is easy to see why. Biden has betrayed, not just the world, but America, and especially those who voted for him.

A recent Rasmussen poll agrees with your eye test — that is to say, Trump is a more well-respected leader on the world stage than Biden is. At least he is viewed as such by likely voters. Here are the results of this monumental poll:

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters believe most world leaders see President Biden as weaker than former President Donald Trump.

Thirty-three percent (33%) feel Biden is stronger than Trump in the eyes of most world leaders.”

These results speak for themselves. Only thirty-three percent see Biden as a stronger leader~ We need leaders who command respect — not disrepute. America is great because America is strong. And a leader who projects weakness is no leader at all, but a shell of a man, and a shell of a President.

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