New Survey Finds HUGE Majority of Americans Think Biden Was Involved in Foreign Business Dealings, Jim Jordan Takes Action

On Friday, a new Cap/Harris poll found that a large majority of voters believe that President Joe Biden has participated in foreign business dealings alongside his son Hunter Biden.

The poll asked respondents the following: “Did Joe Biden participate in his son’s influence-peddling business or did Joe Biden not participate in his son’s business?”

From those polled, 62 percent said that Biden did participate whereas 38 percent said that the former vice president under Obama did not participate in business transactions helped along by his political influence.

Similarly, the poll asked voters if “the Hunter Biden laptop [is] genuine or Russian disinformation?” The claim that the laptop was disinformation, pushed by members of the media and the intelligence community to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story in October 2020, has been debunked.

Nonetheless, 40 percent of Americans still believe that it was Russian disinformation while 60 percent believe that the laptop and its contents are genuine.

As previously reported by the DC Enquirer, the Hunter Biden laptop story was heralded as disinformation by key intelligence officials in order to discredit it and shift the election in Biden’s favor.


In response to this knowledge, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, filed subpoenas against former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan both of whom signed onto a letter, published on October 19, 2022, that denounced the New York Post‘s story as Russian disinformation.

“On April 6, 2022, we wrote to you requesting documents and information about the public statement you signed in October 202 that falsely implied the New York Post‘s reporting about Hunter Biden was the product of Russian disinformation,” Jordan’s subpoena began. “This statement served as a basis for partisan operatives to attempt to delegitimize allegations, as reported in the Post, that Hunter Biden had used the position and influence of his father for personal gain with the awareness of President Biden.”

“The statement was part of a broader effort among national news organizations and social media companies to minimize and censor the Post‘s reporting-and thereby limit public awareness of the allegations-weeks before the 2020 presidential election,” the document explained.

“The coordinated effort to suppress public dissemination of the serious allegations about Hunter Biden and the Biden family was a grave disservice to American citizens’ informed participation in our democracy,” Jordan added.

The American people know that President Biden potentially participated in business dealings with his son Hunter and luckily, the Republicans were able to win back the House in order to investigate such accusations. With over 60 percent of Americans believing Biden’s involved, House Republicans have the mandate they need to discover the truth.

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