New Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Introduces Brilliant Strategy To Weed Out Critical Race Theory And Other Bigoted Practices In Virginia Schools

Since taking office, the recently inaugurated Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has been hard at work. After signing a plethora of day-one executive orders, Youngkin announced on a January 24th installment of the “John Frederick Show” that he is introducing a new policy to help fight against Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other bigoted practices.  The backlash caused by the prevalence of these practices in schools helped catapult Youngkin into office. The Virginian Republican made parental rights a central issue in his campaign. So far, Youngkin has followed through on his campaign promises.

Here is the full video:

Youngkin began the interview by addressing school mask mandates — whether parents are in control of the masking decisions of their children or not. Governor Youngkin assured John Fredericks that the legal process would favor the parent. As Youngkin notes, a small number of school districts are not following his policy. Youngkin argued the court system would soon settle the matter in favor of the parent.

Then the conversation turned to CRT. Youngkin called these practices “divisive.” He highlighted a particularly egregious example of CRT adjacent practice — the “Privilege Bingo” game. The goal of this game is to rate who is the most privileged — based on the basis of race, religion, gender, etc.  This is where Youngkin introduces his new policy. Here is a transcript:

“We have set up a particular e-mail address, called For parents to send us any instances where they feel that their fundamental rights are being violated, where their children are not being respected, where there are inherently divisive practices in their schools. And we’re asking for input right from parents so we can make sure to go right to the source as we continue to work to make sure that Virginia’s education system is on the path to reestablish excellence. At the end of the day, we are going to raise standards… We are going to get CRT and other inherently divisive practices out of the schools … This is what I ran on”

Youngkin then noted the implications of the tip line:

“We are asking for folks to send us reports and observations that they have, that will help us be aware of things like privilege bingo, be aware of their child being denied their rights that parents have in Virginia. We are going to make sure we catalog it all. It gives us a great insight into what is happening at the school level. And that gives us further ability to make sure we are rooting it out.”

Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin has consistently impressed in his short time in office. Youngkin has been the force for good that Virginia needed. The anti-CRT tip line is yet another example of Youngkin’s robust vision for a Conservative Virginia. CRT has ravaged our school systems. CRT is racist. It encourages racism. Games like “Privilege Bingo” may sound harmless. Yet, these “games” are inherently divisive and evil — being rooted in un-American Marxist rhetoric. We can only hope the Governor introduces more ingenious Conservative policies of like quality.

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