Pope Francis Calls For ‘Broad Change’ To Western Countries’ ‘Irresponsible Lifestyle’ To Halt Climate Change

Pope Francis called on “irresponsible” Western nations Wednesday to implement a “broad” lifestyle switch to halt the advance of climate change, according to a letter from the Vatican.

In his Apostolic Exhortation, Francis discussed the “suffering” of the planet and warned that the world is “collapsing” due to “extreme weather phenomena, frequent periods of unusual heat, drought and other cries of protest on the part of the earth,” according to the letter. The pope went on to say that the U.S. emissions per capita were “two times greater” than China and argued that the “irresponsible lifestyle” of the West needed to be reigned in.

“If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact,” Francis wrote. “As a result, along with indispensable political decisions, we would be making progress along the way to genuine care for one another.”

China led the world in carbon emissions in 2020 with 11,680.42 tons, with the U.S. in second at 4,535.30 billion tons, according to the World Population Review. In 2022, China’s emissions were reduced to 9.9 billion tons, with the United States reducing slightly to 4.4 billion tons, according to Climate Consulting.

Francis further suggested nations come together to create international policies on the issue during the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, according to the letter.

“If we are confident in the capacity of human beings to transcend their petty interests and to think in bigger terms, we can keep hoping that COP28 will allow for a decisive acceleration of energy transition, with effective commitments subject to ongoing monitoring,” the letter reads. “This Conference can represent a change of direction, showing that everything done since 1992 was in fact serious and worth the effort, or else it will be a great disappointment and jeopardize whatever good has been achieved thus far.”

Francis has placed repeated emphasis on fighting climate change, calling global warming a “sin against creation” in 2016 and a year earlier demanding global governance over climate issues.

The Vatican did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Republished with permission from The Daily Caller News Foundation.
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A sin against creation? WTF is a sin against creation? People need to wake up and walk away from that false prophet.


For all of true to Christ cardinals, you are alowing this anti Christ so called pope lead the catholic religion into the path of destruction! what he is allowing was not taught by Jesus!!...It is therefore your duty to God, to excommunicate this fake pope. You need to get it done now, and with God speed!!

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