'The American People Deserve To Know': Speaker McCarthy Gives MAJOR Update On Impeaching Biden

New reports released Tuesday indicate that Speaker of the House Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) could launch the impeachment inquiry of incumbent Democrat President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. during the month of September. 

According to Breitbart News, as Congress members departed the Capitol for the summer recess, McCarthy, hoping to begin the proceedings, initiated the strategies to open the wide-ranging inquiry into Biden and his family. As reported by the outlet, the object of the probe is to expose the extent of Biden's involvement with his family's foreign business interests Republican sources reportedly told CNN.

Biden has been ordered by the House to disclose his involvement in the business ventures spearheaded by his son Hunter and brother Robert. But according to the House Oversight Committee just last week, Biden has lied and stonewalled its inquiries.

McCarthy told Fox News on Sunday,

“Each step we take contradicts what the Bidens had said before. There’s a lot of questions still. And to be able to get the answers to these questions, you would need an impeachment inquiry to empower Congress, Republicans, and Democrats to be able to get the answers that the American people deserve to know.”

Bafflingly, the move toward an impeachment inquiry which aside from an actual impeachment trial allows for investigative and subpoena authority unmatched by any other House proceeding, has met with opposition among neo-con, RINO, and 'old-guard' Republicans.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CA) has claimed that an inquiry would be "impeachment theater."

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) told Breitbart that this response left her "Dumbfounded."

“We have to impeach him in the House to show and prove to our voters that we’re willing to do these things, are willing to bring accountability. If we don’t do it, then why do they want to vote for us?” she asked.

Greene posted to X, "An impeachment inquiry is just asking the question, do you think we should inquire about impeachment? What the hell is wrong with Republicans that we can’t ask this question to lay out the case for impeachment to the American people?"

In an additional post, she added, "The Communist Democrats are attempting to throw Joe Biden’s top political opponent in jail while the Biden Crime Family has gotten rich selling out the American people for decades. Republicans can’t move forward in Washington without passing an impeachment inquiry."

Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) wrote, "I'm more than willing & ready to vote for impeachment inquiry. We've done the work & it's time to pull it all together. If there's one real charge coming, it's RICO against Joe. DOJ has covered-up Biden corruption but we're stepping-up to show the truth to the American people."

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