WATCH: Truckers Respond with Defiance After Superior Court Rules That The Freedom Convoy Must End

The Freedom Convoy is an international news story. Nearly everyone across the globe has their eyes fixed on what is going on atop of Ottawa, Canada’s Ambassador Bridge. The fight of the Freedom Truckers is the fight of all men, a battle for the fundamental right of conscience and the freedom thereof.

Here is some background: These truckers, responding to vaccine mandates and the divisive political rhetoric we have all become accustomed to, have occupied the bridge for the better part of three weeks. These men and women are not trained politicians, nor gifted orators. The protestors are, after all, commercial truck drivers. But their political message and their voice have sounded loud. Every man with an ear to hear has heard them speak.

So far, the responses from the Canadian Government have not been sympathetic. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tried to poke holes into the protest, claiming it represented a small minority of the trucking industry. Ninety percent of the Canadian trucking industry is vaccinated, after all. Ontario Premier Doug Ford claimed yesterday that the rights of the Truckers do not trump the rights of all Canadians to have a fair and profitable economy.

More importantly, Ontario’s Superior Court has ruled such protests unlawful. Legally speaking, the Freedom Truckers would have to stop. Fortunately for us freedom lovers, this has not been the case.

Soon after hearing the news of a legal injunction, the Freedom Truckers voted on staying or leaving. They had three options before them; Option one was to stay and lock arms on the bridge; Option two was to pack up and roll out; Option three was to send up a white flag.

The Convoy voted overwhelmingly, with no noticeable support otherwise, for option one. Simply put, the Truckers and their supporters stood for liberty and courage, not tyranny and cowardice.

To quote the leader of the vote: “We know what we are doing! Let’s stand tall!”. So far, they have stood tall, and by standing tall, they have inspired the hopes and dreams of all those who protest against government tyranny. Mandates only serve to hurt and divide us, and it is a good time for them to end.

Here is the video:

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