WATCH: Teenager ARRESTED For Handing Out Bibles At Protest – 'I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ'

A teenager was detained in Canada for handing out free Bibles at a protest just months after he was suspended from his school for standing up to the woke agenda that is overtaking Canada. 

A protest against the suspension of the teenager, whose name is Josh Alexander, called ‘I Stand With Josh Alexander,” was held on May 17th and organized by Liberty Coalition Canada. Alexander himself attended a protest at Western Canada High School in Calgary, Alberta. 

Alexander attended the protest peacefully, handing out Bibles on the sidewalk to attendees in opposition to the counter-protesters. The counter-protesters did not seem as interested in remaining peaceful, with a fight breaking out among the protesters and counter-protesters. 

Despite Alexander himself never putting forth any physical altercations, the young Canadian was arrested alongside another protester, with the Calgary police stating, “Two people were taken into custody and released without charge,” per the Calgary Herald
The right-wing Canadian shared a video on his Twitter showing himself being arrested, writing “Today I was handcuffed and put in a paddy wagon for offering students bibles on a public sidewalk in Calgary. I was released and told if I returned I would be arrested and charged. I continued handing out Bibles. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.”
  "I certainly don't think it was a coincidence that after four minutes at the protest, police standing by witnessing me being assaulted by a mob with my hands in the air and they decide to arrest Josh Alexander at the I Stand with Josh Alexander rally. So I don't think there is any coincidence there," the teenager said in an interview with Fox News on Saturday. 

The Calgary police force issued a statement following the protest, stating, "Officers were on the scene to support public safety during a protest... During the event, a fight broke out between several individuals of opposing views. Two people were taken into custody and released without charge... The investigation remains ongoing... The Calgary Police Service recognizes the Charter rights of everyone to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly... We police behavior, not beliefs." 

It’s good to see the police department go back and realize their mistakes on the matter, but it’s also disappointing that they arrested a peaceful protester simply trying to share the word of God. It seems there continues to be a war against Christianity in the West, and it’s spread far and wide. 
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