'That’s Not Signature Review, Your Honor': Kari Lake's Legal Team Cracks The 2022 Arizona Election Case Wide Open With Damning Testimony

The second trial of Kari Lake v. Katie Hobbs et. al. started off with several dramatic moments, but the most striking so far has been the revelation from the Lake legal team pertaining to Maricopa County's own log file data. The startling data and expert testimony show the county's signature verifiers "are not physically capable" of verifying signatures at the rate the logs indicate.

Kari Lake's attorney Kurt Olsen presented damning expert testimony to the court Wednesday, exposing the serious flaws in the signature verification process and alleging that the signatures were therefore falsely verified thus rendering the election results legally questionable.

According to Trending Politics News, Olsen explained, "As our expert will testify, this isn’t a question of not getting it right. It’s simply they are not physically capable of reviewing the signature, both from the standpoint of being able to do an assessment with respect to the procedures."

Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA, which is based in Arizona, tweeted video of the powerful moment when Olsen explained the key flaw in the signature verification process in detail.


He explained, “Maricopa’s log file data shows that 11 of these signature verification workers approved 170K signatures at a rate of between 0 and 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating. That’s not signature review, your Honor.”

“What that log data shows, Your Honor, is that over 274,000 ballots were approved at less than three seconds each,” Olsen told the court.

He coupled this astonishing figure with one particular note: a single verifier had managed to approve 100% of the 26.900 signatures presented to him for less than three seconds each, beyond all conceivable probability.

Tim Pool, independent journalist and host of Timcast retweeted the video with the apropos caption of "woah wtf."

Shortly after, the Kari Lake Warroom shared a second clip of whistleblower testimony that startlingly revealed, "normal level 1 signature verifiers were sent home early and the signature review function was then performed at the County Recorder's Office."

Lake's legal battle to contest the 2022 election is expected to continue through Friday.

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  • Article Source: DC Enquirer
  • Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images
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