Trump Campaign Releases Statement On The 'Collapse Of The Democrat Party' - 'Every One Of Them Has Lied About Joe Biden'

On Wednesday, the Trump campaign released a new statement on the "total collapse of the Democrat Party" as elected officials, Democrat operatives, and high-profile media personalities all call on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race and allow a more youthful candidate, like Vice President Kamala Harris, to take his place at the top of the ticket. The Trump campaign, led by Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, has allowed the Democrats to destroy themselves as President Trump continues to rise in the polls. 

"Every Democrat who is calling on Crooked Joe Biden to quit was once a supporter of Biden and his failed policies that lead to extreme inflation, an open border, and chaos at home and abroad," the Trump campaign said in a statement. "Make no mistake that democrats, the mainstream media, and the swamp colluded to hide the truth from the American people - Joe Biden is weak, failed, dishonest, and not fit for the White House. Every one of them has lied about Joe Biden's cognitive state and supported his disastrous policies over the past four years, especially Cackling Copilot Kamala Harris."

"President Trump will beat any Democrat on November 5 because he has a proven record and an agenda to Make America Great Again," the campaign added. The campaign's statement comes after a post-debate New York Times/Siena College poll, taken from June 28 to July 2 with 1,532 registered voters, showing President Biden down by six points nationally against Trump. Among likely voters, the Trump campaign enjoys the support of 49 percent of the electorate compared to Biden's 43 percent. Among registered voters, the 45th president has the support of 49 percent compared to the 81-year-old Democrat incumbent's support of only 41 percent, an eight-point difference.

In a five-way matchup with independent and third-party candidates included, President Trump maintains a five-point lead with 42 percent support compared to Biden's 37 percent, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s eight percent, Green Party candidate Jill Stein's two percent, Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver's one percent, and independent candidate Cornel West's zero percent.

The New York Times survey also revealed that a large majority of voters believe that Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president. Among the respondents, 74 percent said that Biden was too old, while a stunning 59 percent of Democrats said they were concerned about Biden's age, up eight points from before the debate. An additional 79 percent of independent voters, a key voting bloc that will determine who wins the presidency in November, said that the 81-year-old president was too old to serve another four years.

The Biden campaign has struggled to convince the public and Democrats that he can run a successful re-election campaign against the 45th president. Elected Democrat officials and members of Biden's staff have collaborated with the mainstream media throughout the Biden administration to ensure that criticism of the president's age didn't see the light of day, justified by the alleged "threat" that Trump poses. When Biden took the debate stage on Thursday evening, he showed the American people just how deteriorated he has become from the most demanding job in the world, and the Trump campaign has been more than willing to allow the Democrat Party to attempt to cope with the fallout.

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  • Article Source: DC Enquirer
  • Photo: The White House, Gage Skidmore
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