Former top neurosurgeon and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Ben Carson, who served in President Trump’s past administration, attacked the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI’s) raid on his Mar-a-Lago home Monday night, and took to Twitter to draw comparisons between President Joe Biden and failed Communist leaders Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro.
“Never in my lifetime did I think I would see an American law enforcement agency be run and weaponized like the FBI this evening,” Carson wrote. “This is a frightening development in our modern political arena. This is the way of Mao and Castro, not Washington and Lincoln.”
Mao Zedong, who ruled Communist China has been attributed with the murder of somewhere around 50 million people between 1958 to 1962 with his “Great Leap Forward.”
As for Castro, Cuba’s issues from his radical Communist policies still plague the country’s people today and it’s no mystery why. Their healthcare system is in shambles, their people live in fear when they aren’t dreaming of escape to the United States, and personal rights are all but non-existent in a place where corruption reigns supreme.
The people are seen as numbers. Not human beings. This is the trajectory the United States is now on, argues Carson, one of the smartest medical men and statesmen to ever live.
“Our Republic is one where we have the freedom to think, say, and believe what we want without fear of government intimidation, that includes the President,” he added.
Our Republic is one where we have the freedom to think, say, and believe what we want without fear of government intimidation, that includes the President. If we lose those basic freedoms, we lose it all.
— Ben & Candy Carson (@RealBenCarson) August 9, 2022
“If we lose those basic freedoms, we lose it all,” he continued.
I am praying for our country right now because I’m not sure anything else can fix what is transgressing. Pray for our country this evening. It can and will be saved because We the people are waking up.
— Ben & Candy Carson (@RealBenCarson) August 9, 2022
“I am praying for our country right now,” Carson concluded. “Because I’m not sure anything else can fix what is transgressing. Pray for our country this evening. It can and will be saved because We the people are waking up.”
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