Voter Group Finds Glaring Inconsistencies in 2020 Wisconsin Election Data

Research analysis done on registered voters’ records in just two counties in Wisconsin show address errors numbering in the hundreds of thousands, according to “citizen activists” who studied the data.

Five hundred volunteers studied voter registration files, focusing mainly on Dane and Milwaukee counties. The volunteers found that nearly 29,000 people turned in changes of address forms to the United States Postal Service, stating they no longer live in Wisconsin, but moved to other states. However, those voters’ names and addresses remain on the registered voters’ list, according to the research group.

There were 22,500 registered voters’ names in the two counties that were missing complete addresses. Some of the addresses shown were actually commercial buildings or U.S. Post Offices boxes. Voter laws require a registered voter’s address to be their legal residence, one where they sleep at night.

In addition, they found duplicate registrations for as many as 1,000 voters, each with different voter ID numbers, according to cyber expert Peter Bernegger.


The data was given this month to Wisconsin State Rep. Janel Brandtjen, who is the chairperson of the State Assembly’s Campaigns and Elections Committee. Staff reviewed the findings and posted it online this week for the public to view. Brandtjen suggested the state hire a professional database expert to perform regular maintenance and purging of voter roles as it seems the staff is unable to keep accurate records.

This isn’t the first time someone has pointed out glaring issues in Wisconsin voter rolls. According to the Wisconsin Center for Election Justice, there were 40,783 ballots cast in 2020 with no photo ID presented. There were 185,300 unauthorized absentee ballots mailed out. These came from unauthorized and partisan non-profit organizations mailing out 250,000 unofficial voter applications, which were not approved by WCE.

Other examples of potential fraudulent activities as noted by WCE include:

·         4,269 registered voters noted the ZIP code of 99999, which does not exist

·         More than 12,198 ballots were cast by individuals who no longer lived at the addresses as shown on voter records

·         23,029 registrants’ records showed impossible phone numbers, yet all of these people listed the exact same phone number

Dead people also may have voted in the 2020 election, given that 628,932 dead peoples’ names remain on the Wisconsin voter rolls.

Regardless, these are issues that need to be fixed.

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