WATCH: Bill Maher SHREDS Pro-Palestine Protestors In Fiery Monologue

During his weekly show on Friday, HBO host Bill Maher torched the radical left-wing activists supporting Palestine after the young agitators occupied college campuses nationwide and launched multiple protests that disrupted the everyday life of hard-working Americans. Maher, a more moderate Democrat who has been a critic of the social justice movement, slammed the native protestors for their narcissistic activism.

Maher's monologue opened with a focus on the recent protests that blocked major highways in places like San Francisco, the O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, and the Brooklyn Bridge. "New Rule: Someone needs to tell the people who block traffic in the name of a cause, no one likes you, and you're probably hurting your cause," Maher said. "You have to be pretty dumb to think that the way to bring people around to your point of view is to make them late to pick up their kids from daycare. And that's what most normies are thinking. I have a kid; I have a job. And yes, I'm sure there are injustices on both sides in the Middle East, as there are injustices all over the world, but I'm going to be late for work."

"Something you protesters on the bridge seem to have the luxury of not having to worry about, which seems kind of privilege-y," the HBO host explained. "You can glue your hands to the street because your hands don't have to do any work today."

Maher then took aim at the college students who have occupied Ivy League campuses like Columbia, Harvard, and Yale in recent weeks, explaining that activism is centered more around narcissism than actual compassion. "Are you really speaking truth to power, or do you just think you look cool in a keffiyeh, which is really just the new Che Guevara t-shirt – another historical figure you never researched and still think is a hero but was actually a sadistic racist monster fighting for communism, the worst form of government ever. But these are small matters," he said. "Small matters when activism merges with narcissism. Less about the cause and more about me; look at me, watch me! And if you like the way I'm fighting injustice, remember to like and subscribe!"

The HBO host also went after recently fired Google employees who did a sit-in at the company to demand the search engine pull out of a contract with Israel. "I don't want to diminish how sad it is that someone would take their own life for any reason, but maybe from now on, before anyone commits an act of civil disobedience, they should ask themselves a few questions like: Is the most important thing in my life, something I hadn't heard of six months ago? Do I even – do I even know what the f*ck I'm talking about? Am I really here for the cause, or is the cause here to bring you me?" 

The comedian then cited various human rights violations throughout the world as other causes more worthy of attention than the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza. "Maybe if these Google employees had the slightest idea what kind of fundamentalist oppressive a**holes they're supporting - Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, they might take it a little easier on the world's greatest 'monster,' 'Genocide Joe.'"

"Hey, if it makes you feel good to cosplay as revolutionaries. Knock yourself out. Burn yourself out. Just don't drag Gaza into it," Maher said, per Newsmax. "Also, throwing stuff on paintings is just stupid. No one sees mashed potatoes on a Monet and thinks, 'he's got a point, I should recycle my cans.'"


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  • Article Source: DC Enquirer
  • Photo: Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images
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