A Netflix comedy special hosted by Chris Rock released over the weekend titled ‘Chris Rock: Selective Outrage.’ During the hour-long comedy special, the comedian went off on Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, for playing the race card after joining the Royal Family.
“Everybody trying to be a victim! Like what’s this girl, Meghan Markle? Seems like a nice lady but she’s just complaining,” he began. “Didn’t she hit the light skin lottery? Hit the f***ing light skin lottery and still going off complaining. Acting all dumb like she ain’t know nothing. Going on Oprah going ‘I didn’t know. I had no idea how racist they were.'”
“It’s the Royal Family! You didn’t Google this motherf***er. What the f*** is she talking about she didn’t know. It’s the Royal Family,” the comedian emphasized. “They’re the original racists. They invented colonialism. They’re the OGs of racism. They’re the Sugar Hill gang of racism.”
“That’s like marrying into the Budweiser family and going ‘they drink a lot,'” Rock mocked. “The f*** is she talking about? This motherf***er invested in slavery like it was Shark Tank.”
“That s*** she went through was not racism. It was just some in-law s***,” Rock said. “So she’s complaining and I’m like ‘what the f*** is she talking about.'”
“‘Those British are so racist, they wanted to know how brown the baby was going to be,” the comedian said in a mocking voice. “They’re so racist. They wanted to know how brown the baby was going to be.”
“And I’m like, that’s not racist! Because even black people want to know how brown the baby’s going to be,” he concluded.
Once again Meghan Markle is exposed for the fraud that she is. She continually plays the victim in order to get brownie points from a sympathetic public. If only she understood that her victimhood only works for so long before comedians like Chris Rock take her down.
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