White House Press Secretary Gives Deranged Answer To Question About Biden’s Economy

It is not fun to be an adult in Biden’s America. After squandering a beautiful America made great again by one President Donald J. Trump, Biden has turned our country into a laughingstock in less than two years. That’s the one exceptional trait of Joe Biden.

Here are just a few symptoms of Biden’s short time in office. Inflation is crippling — exceeding our wildest dreams with its fire and fury. Morale is down — people are no longer proud to be Americans, for society at large has been fed the lie that America is an evil, racist nation. We know the world doesn’t respect us anymore — Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan pullout and negligent handling of the Ukraine crisis are just two reasons for that.

And, pertinent to today’s story, consumers are being punished left and right — whether it be the mother seeking to buy baby formula or the family yearning to buy affordable gas. Consumers are not confident in the American economy. Why would they be?

Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre just that question:

 “Why do you think it is that 83 percent of people polled by The Wall Street Journal say the economy is ‘poor’ or ‘not so good’?”

The most concerning thing about the statistic Doocy brings up is that it is not 100 percent! But that’s neither here nor there.

The Press Secretary’s reply was absolutely baffling to the ears. To think, just a little over a year ago, we had the lucid compelling answers of Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. How far we have fallen!

“So, when it comes to consumer confidence, which is what you’re talking about there, we know that can reflect concern and uncertainty about higher prices. 

People feel the effect of high prices when they go to the grocery store and they fill up their gas tank, which the President understands very personally, when he was growing up and understanding how when prices elevate even just a bit, how much that can hurt a family, how much that can really affect someone’s household. 

But the fact is, we are in a fundamentally different place compared to when the President took office and compared to this time a year ago.” 

What a cryptic response! She got one thing and one thing only correct: the economy is in a fundamentally different place than when the President took office. In January 2021, we still had the Trump economy in place, at least for the most part. Now, the economy is in ruins, and Joe bears the brunt of the blame. The Midterms could not come soon enough!

Here is the full video:

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