CNN Suffers Lowest Weekend Ratings In Recorded History As Trump’s Ratings Skyrocket

In September, CNN suffered the worst ratings in recorded history in a key viewership demographic while leading 2024 presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trump continues to experience massive gains in his poll numbers.

According to a Nielsen data report released September 18, CNN faced the worst weekend ratings ever recorded from the age category of 25 to 54-year-olds.

Their weekend shows, which include “State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash” and “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” only received a total of 55,000 viewers.

CNN’s primetime Sunday lineup, which was “The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper” and “Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy,” only received 43,000 viewers.

CNN’s total viewership was only 345,000, losing to both Fox News and MSNBC.

CNN’s worst ratings were in 1991, the earliest TV data available for CNN, and their current ratings are worse.

Meanwhile, President Trump has been crushing it in all polling. A HarrisX poll released last week between President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden showed Trump beating Biden by five points.

HarrisX polled 3,015 registered voters from September 13 to 19 and showed Trump beating Biden by five points with 46 percent to Biden’s 41 percent, outside the margin of error of plus or minus 1.8 points.

This poll came just one day after the far-left Washington Post and ABC News released a poll showing President Joe Biden losing to President Trump by a whopping 10 points, which is devastating news for Team Biden.

The poll surveyed 1,006 U.S. adults from September 15 to 20 and found that if the 2024 presidential election were held today, Trump would win the popular vote with 52 percent to Biden’s 42 percent - a 10-point landslide.

Young voters under age 35 sided with President Trump by 20 points over Biden, which is a drastic change from the 2020 presidential election where Biden won this group by double digits.

The Washington Post explained Trump’s big margin is due to voters who did not vote in the 2020 presidential election, reporting, “They account for about 15 percent of the overall sample of registered voters, and they favor Trump over Biden by 63 percent to 27 percent.”

The poll also found that Trump has a 30 percent lead with male voters given his 62 percent support to Biden’s 32 percent.

In 2020, Trump won male voters by two points with 50 percent to Biden’s 48 percent.

Biden has lost two percent of support among women. In 2020, Biden reportedly won the women's vote by an 11-point margin with 55 percent to Trump’s 44 percent. Biden now only leads with women by a nine-point margin with 52 percent to Trump’s 43 percent in the new poll.

“Biden’s overall approval stands at 37 percent, about where it was in May but lower than in February when it was 42 percent. The Post-ABC poll finds 56 percent of Americans disapproving of Biden, a figure on par with other recent polls,” The Washington Post reported.

You can follow Reed Cooper on Instagram @GodBlessDJT, Truth Social @ReedCooper, and Twitter/X @ReedMCooper.

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