Will You Vote For Trump?: Explosive New Poll Shows Trump Dominating His Republican Competition As The GOP Nomination Looks All The More Certain

On Tuesday, a new poll released by the Morning Consult shows leading Republican presidential contender and 45th President Donald J. Trump leading his Republican competition by 'big league' margins, as his nomination looks all the more inevitable. 

The poll, which covers the period ranging from August 11th to August 13th, shows, Donald J. Trump beating Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) by 41 points. While DeSantis is a popular governor and has achieved profound success in the Sunshine State, his campaign has yet to generate the momentum necessary to make the race competitive. So far, this looks like it is Trump's race to lose. 

"The former president is beating DeSantis by 41 percentage points among potential Republican primary voters (57% to 16%), while entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy is in third place with 9% support," the poll finds. "Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez each have 1% support, while former Texas Rep. Will Hurd has 0% backing as the three long-shot candidates work to qualify for next week’s debate."

Even more impressively, Trump is viewed favorably by 76 percent of Republican voters. Ron DeSantis is viewed favorably by 65 percent of the same voter base. Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy is the only other candidate with a net-positive approval rating -- with 55 percent favorability. 

Even with recent indictments, Trump has managed to be a unifying figure for Republicans, and voters are rallying around the 45th president in record numbers. As such, Trump is in as strong of a position with Republican voters as ever. Trump is still the decisive leader in the Republican field, and he and his campaign show no signs of slipping up. The MAGA movement is thriving, and Republican voters continue to appreciate Trump's America First vision for the nation at large. If other Republicans want to bridge the gap between them and Trump, they will need to change their strategy big league. 

More impressively, Trump remains a potent force to win the presidency in 2024. The Real Clear Politics polling average has Biden and Trump neck and neck in most surveys. As such, it stands to reason that the radical, far-left Democrats would use any means necessary to gain a much-needed political advantage -- including indicting their most-likely political opponent.

The opportunism of the Democratic Party never ceases to amaze, and when it rears its ugly head, it is always disgusting to behold. Republicans must take political action to hold the radicalism of the Democratic Party in check.

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The far left radical/socialists commited suicide by the way they have destroyed our country. And they can continue indicting president till the cows come home, It is so evident what they are doing. Using a special council weiss who was under investigation for his cover up of the hunter investigation, they use him so the house cant finish their investigation on him. Now if you think the american people cant see what the hell is going on , then you are foolishly mistaken! Never the less, president Trunp will be our next president..


I would vote for no one else !!!

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