Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Calls Trump's Policies 'Effective,' SLAMS Biden - 'I Would Like To See A New President In The White House'

On Monday, Liz Truss, the former Conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, called the policies of 45th President Donald J. Trump "effective" while criticizing the America Last policies of Joseph R. Biden and the radical Democrats. "I don't think Biden has been particularly supportive of the United Kingdom. I think he's often on the side of the [European Union]," Truss told British News Station LBC, as previously reported by The Hill. "And I certainly think I would like to see a new president in the White House."

Truss then praised Trump for his amazing economic agenda, saying of the 45th president. "He cut regulation, he cut taxes, he liberated the U.S. energy supply. And this is why the U.S. has had significantly higher economic growth than Britain." All of these things are no doubt true -- Trump was a fierce defender of the power of a free and unregulated market, and we, the people, need him back in the White House more than ever before. 

She added that the presumptive GOP nominee "was more effective at preventing aggressive regimes expanding, and I think we'd be in a different position if he got reelected in 2020." Liz Truss was herself an economically oriented prime minister, which may have forced her resignation in 2022. As the New York Times previously reported, "With her tax-cutting agenda in tatters, her Conservative Party's lawmakers in revolt and her government in the hands of people who did not support either her or her policies, Ms. Truss, 47, concluded that she could no longer govern. She departs as the shortest-serving prime minister in British history."

Her pro-market, pro-consumer policies were implemented at the wrong time. While this agenda would have undoubtedly helped her country in a different set of circumstances, she lacked the mandate she would need to serve on behalf of the British people effectively. Fortunately for the economy of America, however, Trump remains a potent force to win the presidency in 2024. The Real Clear Politics polling average has him besting Joe Biden in nationwide polling in recent months, despite the fact that Republican presidential candidates can generally afford to underperform in the popular vote while still winning the election - as they did in 2000 and 2016.

The potential for Republicans in 2024 is boundless if they can effectively communicate their agenda and critique the Biden administration's 'America Last' policies. The future of our nation may very well hinge on this. It's crucial to unite around an agenda that resonates with Americans, one that upholds life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. 

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