Hispanic Voters Are Abandoning The Democratic Party For One Major Reason

Fox News sat down with three Hispanic voters who shared their thoughts about the Democratic Party with each sharing similar concerns — at a time when Hispanic support for both parties is statistically tied, per Axios.

Chris Formoso, a first-generation Cuban, told Fox News that Democrats “really lost working-class people…What I care about is keeping things affordable for me and my family,” he said.

Democrats have “absolutely lost their minds,” he continued. “There is no way we could vote for them, especially when Republicans have been more focused on the issues that matter.”

The Cuban-American and father of four went on to state, “They focus on the wrong topics. I keep hearing about January 6th, I keep hearing about gender identity and the importance of that, and of oppression and racism. I’m a minority– I don’t feel any of that.”

Formoso argued Democrats have lost their way on the issues that matter most in the Hispanic community at large.  “Pretty much every Hispanic that I know…we only care about working hard, family values, Latino justice, common sense things that any society should be promoting,” Formoso said. “I feel the Democrats somehow have fallen down this black hole where they seem to be against the nuclear family.”

Cuban immigrant Maria Lorenzo agreed with Formoso saying, “I can’t talk about all the Hispanics, but most of the ones I know, they are fed up with the Democratic Party.”

She emphasized many Democratic voters don’t understand the dangers of socialist policies and how severely damaging they can be. “People here have a lot of misconceptions. They studied Communism in school, but I lived it.”

She added, “Most of the Hispanics, especially the ones that came from Cuba and Venezuela, they came running from Communism. And they see that this country, the Democratic Party, is leaning towards that- toward socialism, towards division.”

She also highlighted the issue of inflation which has reached a record high of 9.1 percent. With this type of political trajectory of the Biden Administration, money begins to matter even more for the average individual — and even more so to the average voter.



“When your pocket is hurting you wake up from whatever beliefs you had, and the Democratic Party are hurting people’s pockets,” Lorenzo proclaimed.

Fox News concluded the panel by speaking with Hector Olmo, a Puerto Rican living in New Jersey. Olmo agreed with Lorenzo on the dangers of socialism and how it simply isn’t practical.

“We moved here to be independent and to be our own thinkers and be as successful as we want,” he said. “With socialism, where everybody’s on an equal table–it’s a nice idea, but it doesn’t work.”

Olmo, who has voted Republican most of his life, argued that the GOP provides the average person, “with the ability to be as successful as they wanted to, not just a handout,” while Democrats never provide their constituents enough to actually succeed and to be societally mobile, so they can climb the ladder of success.

With various crises plaguing the nation under current Democratic leadership, their grip over the Latino community is finally beginning to slip.

This sea change has already begun to affect elections, as more Hispanics have fled to the Republican Party in droves.

Just last month, Mayra Flores (R-TX) won a special election in Texas’ 34th congressional district located in the Rio Grande Valley, making history after the seat, which represented a majority Hispanic district, had been solidly Democratic for over 150 years.

If such success can be replicated in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections, Democrats are in for a rude awakening come November, and beyond.

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