Young Voters Are Fleeing Biden By The Droves As Trump's America First Message Resonates, Poll Finds

On Thursday, Harvard Youth released a poll that found 45th President Donald J. Trump cutting into Joe Biden's support among young American adults in a worrying sign for the incumbent president's reelection chances. This is excellent news for the MAGA movement, which has been making inroads with patriots of all stripes all over our nation. Americans have had enough of Joe Biden and are sick and tired of putting our nation last -- and this includes an increasing amount of young "ultra-MAGA" patriots. 

The poll, conducted from March 14-21, finds the 45th president trailing Biden by only eight percentage points among younger voters—an incredible feat for a president who trailed Joe Biden by 23 points with these same voters a mere four years ago. While Donald Trump carried 37 percent of the youth vote, Joe Biden only managed to grab 45 percent of this group. 

As POLITICO notes, Biden's margin grows when the poll only considers likely young voters, but these numbers are far from the decisive victory Team Biden expects. According to the survey, Biden is only able to beat Trump by 13 percent among registered young voters—grabbing 50 percent of the vote in comparison to Trump's 37 percent. The Democrat president also only manages to maintain a nine-point lead among likely young voters. While young people are a low-propensity voting demographic in general, Team Biden cannot risk losing any key demographic in his quest to get reelected, a quest that has proved treacherous for both him and his staff.

Even worse for the Biden campaign is the enthusiasm gap among younger voters, with the poll showing younger voters are significantly more enthusiastic for Team Trump than they are for Biden 2024. "One area where former President Trump has an advantage over Biden is enthusiasm. Three-quarters (76%) of Trump voters say they enthusiastically support their candidate, while 44% of Biden voters say the same," Harvard Youth reports. 

Fortunately for these enthusiastic young MAGA patriots, Trump remains a potent force to win the presidency in 2024. The Real Clear Politics polling average has him besting Joe Biden in nationwide polling in recent months, despite the fact that Republican presidential candidates can generally afford to underperform in the popular vote while still winning the election - as they did in 2000 and 2016. The potential for Republicans in 2024 is limitless if they effectively communicate their agenda and critique the Biden administration's 'America Last' policies. The future of our nation may very well depend on it. This means uniting around an agenda that resonates with Americans, one that champions life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. 

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