New York City Guts Police And Fire Department As Illegal Migrants Come First With $12 BILLION Price Tag

The migrant crisis continues to completely overwhelm New York City as they announced on Saturday that they would be cutting the budget of the New York Police Department to better fund the tens of thousands of illegals that have invaded the city. 

As previously covered by the DC Enquirer, Mayor Eric Adams (D) has not been positive about the ongoing crisis in the city. Back on Wednesday, he warned citizens that he did not “see any ending” to the crisis and he believed that it would “destroy New York City.” Nonetheless, Adams has not made any indication that he would revoke the city’s status as a sanctuary city. 

But perhaps that was simply doom and gloom talk from Adams and instead his administration is finding solutions without him. Budget Director Jacques Jiha announced through a memo over the weekend that “The mayor will … issue a directive to implement an overtime reduction initiative for our city’s four uniformed agencies (NYPD, FDNY, DOC/DSNY),” per the New York Post

The memo also said, “These agencies must submit a plan to reduce year-to-year OT spending.” It has been estimated that the migrant crisis will cost the city upwards of $12 billion in the next three years which is what prompted the budgeting agency to push for the cuts. They are looking for a five percent cut, to begin with but could be seeing a 15 percent cut by springtime. Even with all that slashing, Jia says it will “only cover two-thirds of our projected asylum costs.”

There has already been pushback against the budget cut with Patrick Hendry, head of the largest police union for New York City, the Police Benevolent Association, slamming the idea of cutting even just overtime costs. 

“It is going to be impossible for the NYPD to significantly reduce overtime unless it fixes its staffing crisis,” Hendry said. “We are still thousands of cops short, and we’re struggling to drive crime back to pre-2020 levels without adequate personnel. If City Hall wants to save money without jeopardizing public safety, it needs to invest in keeping experienced cops on the job.”

The New York Police Department previously exceeded its $700 million budget last year which many attributed to high overtime costs, seemingly why Jia is looking to tackle that first. However, it’s unknown what other aspects will be targeted in order to reach that potential 15 percent budget cut for the department. 

The agency has already been informed that it will avoid any layoffs in budget cuts but a city hall insider warned that it may be inevitable considering just how much is needed. 

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Yo, Adams. If you reduce the Police Force they will need to charge overtime to cover the missing shifts. Increase the force and the overtime will disappear. You could save 15% or more if you switched to Republican and just Deported Them

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