Another Soros-Backed DA Prepares for Recall Push As Backlash to Radical Progressive Policies Continues

Yet another District Attorney supported by left-wing billionaire George Soros has been set up to face a recall from voters after the necessary amount of signatures were collected, to trigger a new election for the Los Angeles DA seat currently held by George Gascon.

Bill Melugin of Fox LA reported on Twitter Wednesday that the campaign to oust Gascon had collected over 700,000 signatures — clearing the hurdle of the almost 567,000 which was needed for a new vote.

“BREAKING: The campaign to recall LA DA @GeorgeGascon tells me it has collected 717,000 signatures for today’s deadline. They need 566,857 verified,” Melugin tweeted. “Their goal was 700k for ‘padding’. They received over 150,000 in the last few weeks since 2 El Monte PD officers killed.”

This comes just several months after the 800-member Association of Deputy District Attorneys, who work for the County of Los Angeles, voted by a margin of 98 percent to support the recall effort.

This isn’t the first time a Soros-supported DA has been recalled due to being soft on crime and having their city gripped by issues of drugs, homelessness, and homicides flooding the streets.

Last month, San Fransisco voters recalled District Attorney Chesa Boudin in a 60-40 landslide before his first term was up.

Even the liberal LA Times called the vote a referendum on the city’s painfully obvious problems regarding “homelessness, property crime and drug addiction,” along with their incompetence and inability to improve living conditions for their constituents.


This is also not the first time a pattern has been identified among Soros-backed District Attorneys across the country, who have either refused to enforce the law, hamstrung law enforcement into being unable to do their jobs, or encouraged chaos in the streets to service a political agenda — instead of upholding their oaths to protect the citizenry and property of their city.

The New York Post ran a story late last year profiling five such DAs — two were Boudin and Gascon — the other three were Kim Foxx of Chicago, Larry Krasner of Philadelphia, and Alvin Bragg of Manhattan.

Foxx served as the first successful DA experiment for Soros, now 91. He reportedly contributed $300,000 to her first campaign in 2016 and added an additional $2 million to her re-election coffers last year. In total between 2015-2019, Soros and his political action committees spent over $17 million on local DA races to support liberal candidates.

“The Cook County State’s Attorney [Foxx] came under fire when her office dismissed all the charges in the original 16-count indictment against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett in 2019, three weeks after a grand jury had issued it,” the NY Post article continues. “Smollett was convicted of staging a false hate crime.”

Krasner, who oversees law enforcement in a major city within the major swing state of Pennsylvania, has also seen a spike in city crime with homicide rates reaching that of New York and Los Angeles.

Bragg of Manhattan was the recipient of a $1 million donation from Soros for his DA campaign. The contribution was funneled through the “Color of Change” PAC, public findings show.

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, Steve Descano in Fairfax County, Virginia, and Buta Biberaj of Loudoun County, Virginia are also backed by Soros money and are potential targets for future recalls, if this downward trend continues.

Soros, however, remains resolute in fighting such measures and has reportedly spent $40 million so far to elect 75 “social justice” prosecutors, according to a 17-page report compiled by “The Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund.”

The report adds that these prosecutors have jurisdiction over 72 million Americans, “including 25 of America’s 50 most populous cities.”

It won’t come as a surprise when more names from this list end up on the recall ballot again after they fail to carry out their most basic duties, and refuse to preserve the rule of law — something they swore to uphold and protect.

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