Stormy Daniels Admits She Regrets Accusing Trump Of Affair: 'It Was Just For Nothing'

Adult film 'star' Stormy Daniels admitted on 'Good Morning Britain' on Wednesday she regrets accusing leading 2024 presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trump of an affair, claiming it was "just for nothing."

"It was just for nothing," she whined.

"I just feel like if people don’t want to face facts and see the truth … then you know what, I’d rather have had the time back with my family,” she added.

“I almost feel like humans aren’t really worth saving at this point. Truth doesn’t seem to matter," she continued.

Daniels claims "Trump supporters" climbed her fence and "attacked" her horse, Redemption, a couple of weeks ago.

“Because I’m the one that gets the messages from his supporters. I was one whose horse was attacked a couple of weeks ago,” she claimed.

“They’ve gone after friends and family. Just literally said that they’re gonna come to my house with slit my throat," Daniels said.

“I’m frightened of his sycophants and his followers, and it’s the tone that has changed," she added.


"I was called a slut and a gold digger and, and all of these horrible things that I probably can’t say on TV,” she continued.

Daniels was ordered to pay Trump $300,000 after losing a defamation case against him. However, a Manhattan grand jury voted to indict President Trump over a $130,000 payment to Daniels made by his former lawyer and now-convicted liar, Michael Cohen.

In a Manhattan state court before Judge Merchan on Tuesday, Trump was remotely present from Florida alongside lawyer Todd Blanche in front of U.S. flags.

The judge reminded Trump of a gag order he placed on Trump preventing him from "making public evidence and other material related to a pending criminal case against him in New York," according to reporting from CNBC.

Under New York law, the fine for breaking a gag order holds a penalty of either 30 days in jail or a $1,000 fine.

Far-left Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who has been exposed as being funded by a group supported by far-left billionaire George Soros, was able to get a Manhattan grand jury to vote to indict Trump.

This makes Trump the first American president to ever face criminal charges.

The Color of Change PAC, the “nation’s largest online racial justice organization", which was given $1 million in May 2021 from Soros, gave $1 million to Bragg but later pulled back half of their donation.

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