Stunning January 6th Testimony: D.C. FBI Office Told Whistleblower That Assets, Informants, Undercover Officers Were In The Capitol Riot

During the testimony of FBI whistleblowers to the U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Thursday, retired FBI National Security Intelligence supervisor George Hill revealed that according to the Washington D.C. field office, there may have been undercover federal officers and confidential human sources in the Capitol Riot on January 6th.

While questioning FBI whistleblowers Marcus Allen and Garret O'Boyle, Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) offered video testimony from Hill outlining an interaction he witnessed between the Boston field office and the Washington D.C. field office.

According to the subcommittee's Interim Staff Report, Hill explained, "two individuals organized a bus trip from Massachusetts to Washington, D.C., to attend a political rally in support of President Trump on January 6, 2021. The group included a total of 140 people on two buses. The two organizers of the trip entered restricted areas in the United States Capitol that day and, as a result, the FBI’s Boston Field Office (BFO) opened cases against them for potentially violating federal law. Rather than limiting the investigation to just the two people who entered restricted areas of the Capitol, however, the WFO instructed the BFO to open cases on all 140 individuals who attended the political rally."

Hill told House investigators, "WFO wanted us to open up a case on each and every one of those 140 individuals, to which the [Supervisory Special Agent] in Boston said, 'They were going to a political rally, which is First Amendment-protected activity. No, we’re not starting cases on these people.' To which they said, 'Well, we’re going to call your SAC.' And the SSA said, 'Go right ahead.'... [T]o his credit, [the SSA] said, no, we’re not opening up cases on people who went to a rally."

What Hill said next offered the first true confirmation of FBI assets on the ground at the January 6th Capitol Riot

The retired NatSec Supervisor told the investigators, "I forgot a key part. The SSA for CT2 said, 'Happy to do it. Show us where they were inside the Capitol, and we’ll look into it.' To which WFO said, 'We can’t show you those videos unless you can tell us the exact time and place those individuals were inside the Capitol.'"

"To which the SSA responded back – and I was privy to these conversations firsthand – 'Why can’t you show us – why can’t you just send us the – give us access to the 11,000 hours of video that’s available?' 'Because there may be' – may be – 'UCs,' undercover officers, 'or CHSes,' confidential human sources, 'on those videos whose identity we need to protect.'”

Rep. Gaetz asked both O'Boyle and Allen if they were retaliated against for their own revelations confirming Hill's testimony, and both replied in the affirmative.

FBI involvement in the January 6th Capitol Riot is no longer in question, what remains to be determined is its extent.

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  • Article Source: DC Enquirer
  • Photo: Brent Stirton / Getty Images
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