'Can't Be Allowed To Continue': Donald Trump SLAMS Biden's Open Border Policies After Another Illegal Migrant Arrested For Allegedly Murdering Young Mother

On Monday, presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump highlighted the recent arrest of an El Salvadorian fugitive, Victor Martinez-Hernandez, who allegedly murdered and raped Rachel Morin, a 23-year-old Maryland mother, in August when she went for a walk on a nature trail about 20 miles outside of Baltimore. Morin's alleged killer, who was apprehended by authorities in Tulsa, Oklahoma, over the weekend, crossed the border illegally in February 2023.

"ANOTHER one of Crooked Joe Biden's Illegal Immigrant Criminals was just charged with raping and murdering ANOTHER innocent American woman!" Trump wrote on Truth Social. "Rachel Morin was on a run in Maryland, just like Laken Riley was in Georgia, when she was brutally killed by an illegal monster who was wanted for murder in El Salvador and fled to the USA because he knew Crooked Joe would let him in. Now Rachel Morin's 5 young children will grow up without their mother because Crooked Joe refuses to shut down the border."

"As a matter of fact, this week, Biden is preparing to give MASS AMNESTY to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens!" Trump explained. "This is unsustainable and can't be allowed to continue! On day one, we will SHUT DOWN THE BORDER and start deporting millions of Biden's Illegal Criminals. We will once again put AMERICANS First and MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! To Rachel Morin's family and especially her 5 children, May God be with you! DJT"

As previously reported by the DC Enquirer, the Biden administration is reportedly developing plans to offer legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants that would grant deportation protection and work permits to some individuals who illegally entered the country. White Hosue sources told the outlet that the requirements to be granted these protections will only apply to migrants married to US citizens who have lived in the country for at least a decade. 

The program, which will be named "Parole in Place," will develop a pathway to citizenship for these individuals by removing a legal requirement that barred the issuance of green cards to illegal immigrants. The outlet also noted that the Biden White House is preparing to streamline the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to ensure that those enrolled in the program, about 530,000 illegal migrants, receive visas. The changes to the DACA program could be announced as soon as Tuesday during an event hosted by Biden to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Obama-era initiative.

President Biden's border policies are having bloody consequences for American citizens going about their lives. Both Laken Riley and Rachel Morin would have been alive today if the Biden administration took action and secured the border, but their refusal to do so proves that they would rather put the lives of illegal aliens above American citizens. The Morin family attorney, Randolph Rice, said as much on Sunday, telling the Washington Post, "Americans keep dying because the politicians in Washington can't solve the problem. Rachel would be alive today if politicians would stop this flow of illegal immigrants."


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  • Article Source: DC Enquirer
  • Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images
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